Chapter 8 First and Last Day of School

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I walked through the front doors of the school with all eyes on me.

I held my binder in one hand and my schedule in the other.

For my first day of school in my entire life, I wanted to make an impression. So I wore a pair of white jean capris and a coral, low cut, half sleeve with black lace lining the bottom. I threw on a pair of tan gladiator damsels to throw in the summer look. Especially since it isn't August forever.

I walked into biology first and I didn't know what to do. "Mrs. Waters? What do I do?"

"What do you mean, dear?"
"Uhm... I've never been even near a school before..."
She smiled and nodded then began to walk over a chair and a small table.
"You can sit here. So what usually happens because its the first day of school is I will tell the students about myself and I will explain the rules. I'm going to have you all introduce yourselves then when the bell rings, you go to your next class." I nodded in understanding.

When a bell sounded. My instructor called me in front of the room and introduce myself and whatnot.

I slid out of my chair and slowly walked up front, I felt my stomach twist and turn. My hands shook.

I've never had to speak in front of people before.

I stood and faced them, completely silent.

"Dear, tell us your name, and a little about yourself." My teacher whispered to me.

"Oh.." The people laughed. "Uhm... My name is Cassandra Grace... my parents died when I was 6. I live a different life than you hu-people and this is the first time I've ever been near a school."

"Were you homeschooled?" A student in the back asked. I felt like an idiot when they laughed after I said "what's that?"

They asked me what two plus two was and I answered. Did they think I was stupid? I guess humans are far less intelligent than I thought. "If you believe that I have had no form of educated studies, then you are all incorrect, and if you think I am so uneducated to where I would use the word 'stupid' then you shall be yet again incorrect. The only reason I'm here isn't because I have to be, unlike all of you hum-people, educated. I am only here because I wish to lead an utterly normal and human life."

They all started laughing. Am I the only one here who is intelligent? I knew this was a bad idea.

I didn't think anything could get worse. But it did.

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