Chapter 7 Prophecy

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I was embrace in a hug.

"Don't ever do that again, Cassy!"
Huh? Wait...

The facts hit me in the gut.
It was Jamie.

He gave me a soft kiss on my forehead and held my elbow as we sat on a large rock and decided to talk about what his father meant.

We tried not to think that Melvin said we would fall in love and be prophecies.

"Why would he leave us?"
"Cuz, we need to do this on our own."
"Do what exactly?"

He looked into my eyes and replied with an answer that couldn't get anymore honest.

"I don't know."

I rested my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arm around his bicep. I watched the drops of water hurry to the same destination. I watched the stars twinkle in the dark sky. I felt calm and chilled.
I figured the sudden gush of hot and dry wind was just me. Until Jamie asked me and I didn't know.

My finger tips began to tingle and my chest went numb. I began to he really dizzy and everything in my sight got blurry followed by an aching pain behind my eyes.

I wasn't drifting to sleep, but I don't know what it was.

I quickly stood up and the landscape spun in circles around me, closing in.

The air became thick and hot gushes of wind still rushed against me.

Numb, hot, dizzy, and aching, my ankles collapsed beneath me.

"Cassy? Are you okay?"
"N-no. The world won't stop. I-I... Do you feel that?" My breathing came heavy as the atmosphere seemed to thicken.

"The h-heat? Th-the numbing?"

I spotted glances of him walking toward me. He knelt down beside me.

"What's happening to us?" I grew more terrified each second. I controlled my mind and held it still. I saw the terror in his eyes.

Suddenly, the world went black.
I awoke and the sun was high up an I was in Jamie's arms.

"You okay?" He asked. I nodded my head. I knew we really needed to figure out what the hell was happening.

I remained on the ground while he stood up. He reached out his hand and I took it then he pulled me up.

I dusted myself off. I turned to him just a he asked me, "did the air get thick and warm? Or was it just me?" I let out a heavy sigh before agreeing with a nod. So we both experienced the exact same things at the exact same time. Including similar dreams given to us by his father.

I need to go on a walk and think everything over. I need to calm down because I'm terrified.

"Well, I'm gonna go on a walk because I am freaking out. You can come if you want." I suggested. He spread a half smile then gave me a little nod as he said yes, he said he would love to go on a walk with me. And at this time, I didn't think nothing of us.
We walked along the tree line. The only sound was that of birds chirping and the trees swaying with the winds song.

"Are you scared?" He interrupted, but I answered truthfully. "Yes, but I wish I understood his message more."

"What do you mean? What'd he say to you?"
I took a deep breath in.

"He said I was part of a prophecy and I wouldn't be alone in fulfilling it. He said, I wan going to receive special abilities soon, but they are unique."

His eyes squinted in confusion. "Unique?"

"He said yet are only 'activated' by like courage and when I need them, I don't remember everything he said, but yeah those are the highlights."

He looked down and told me what he told him was completely different.

"Are you sure that's all he said?"
"No. He said I am not who I think I am, my other identity is dangerous."
"That's what he told me and he said what I really was." He sped up his walking pace indicating he wasn't going to tell me more.

"You know what, I'm going to ignore all of this and act like it never happened, I'm gonna go to school like a human! I'm going to go to the movies and- and just be normal!" I stomped in front of him and demanded. I wanted to let him know that I don't care about any of this.

I didn't want to mess up his life.

"No, I think we need to figure this out." I denied it then I broke.

"Jamie, I can't do it. I'm scared." He quickly pulled my tightly to his chest and ran his hand over my hair in reassurance. I wrapped my arms around his lower back and his other arm rested around my shoulder. I felt his comfort and it immediately calmed me.

"Yes you can, I'll help you. We can do it."

I nodded my head in his neck as if he saw.

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