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It was currently 7:45pm and we waited for the people to come, all of us we're chilling in the couch talking about Playlist and how crazy it's going to be. I hear the doorbell and see thru the peep hole and see that's the camera crew and everyone
"Hi! Welcome!" I let them in while greeting them
"Hi! I'm Maddie and I'll be the one interviewing you!" She smiled
"Oh nice to meet you!" I shake her hand and smile while my friend greet the others
"So what did you wanted to talk about today?" She sat down in a chair that they sit up for us
"Well it's something that I've need hiding for so many years and I wanted to talk about this for the first time to everyone who supports me find my dad" I bite the inside of my cheek and she furrows her brows
"I was raped by my dad when I was 7" my lips are in a line now, she gasped and touched her chest
"What?" That's the only thing that came out of her mouth
"Yeah and well I need help finding my dad and have my justice" I sigh
"Wow Maya, never thought you had such a horrible past" Maddie looked at me with sad eyes
"Yeah it's bad but my life is getting better" I slightly smiled
"Ok well let's start" she said getting in position and I look over at everyone in my bedroom making sure I was ok
" Welcome back to Maddie's night show, today we have the influencer Maya Parker" she pointed at me and I smile to the camera
"Today we are here with Maya with some secrets she has kept all her life and she need everyone's help right now" Maddie looked back at me
"Well this is something that no ones and it's something that I've been hiding from my supporters, cause I'm ashamed and I'm afraid of others people reactions but today that is gonna change" I sigh, at this point I got really nervous and my hands started to shake
"When I was 7 I was sexually abused by my own dad" My voice cracked and the instant I said that I felt like the first day my abuse happened
"I was 7 and at the time living with my dad" I tear runs down my cheek
"Could you tell us since the begging" Maddie softly spoke and I nod
"My parents we're already divorced and we would spent the weekends with my dad. This one time we all came back from the beach and all of us were dirty, my dad sent us all to shower but he told me to wait until my brothers feel asleep so I  could shower, at the age of 7 you really don't pay  attention to that" I look at Maddie then down
"My brothers fell asleep and well I was taking my bath when my dad came in" I cried out
"And that's when my he'll started" I sniffle still looking down
" he told me if I told anyone about this, he was gonna kill my mom and brothers the he would take me away with him and we take advantage of me when he wanted" I look at Maddie and see her glossy eyes
"It all finally ended when I turned 13, he just suddenly stopped but I would still see him on the weekends" I add wiping my nose and tears
"And when did you decided to talk about this, or how did you family found out" Maddie was sniffling
"I talked about this for the first time when I turned 16, I was tired and just living a hell and just couldn't keep my mouth shut for any longer" I cried in my hands
"I told my mom for the first when she came home and I told her everything from the beginning and she screamed, she screamed so loud that I think you could hear it outside" you could hear the pain in my voice
"And is there anyway we can help you Maya, you need your Justice " Maddie was crying with me
"Yes there's a way" I say and look a picture of my dad
"Pass me the picture" I mouthed to Tayler and he gave a picture
"This is him,his name is John Parker he's 43 years old now and please help me find him" I show the camera the picture and begged everyone watching in their homes help me...

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