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"Thank you!" I say to The girl in the register and run to my car. I went to the Pharmacy to get some pregnancy test. Right now was the perfect moment because I had the house all to myself since everyone went to a meeting and I faked being sick to stay home alone. Dixie knew my plan and she was gonna lie to get out the meeting early and meet me at the house. I pull up to the house and quickly get out, rush to the door and unlock it, I rush to the kitchen and drink a hole bottle of water
"Hey slow down" someone said from behind, I look and saw Dixie coming in
"Aw thank god" I run to Dixie and hug her
"Calms down Maya" she says hugging me tightly
"I'm just... scared that Tony won't be the same with me" I blink a lot and she gives me a smile
"I told you, he's dying to be dad! Trust me. Now let's go upstairs so you can take the test" She leads me upstairs and we take the tests out and I pee in a cup while she reads me the instructions
"This is some weird shit" I say peeing in the cup and she laughs
"When your done peeing in the cup take the test and dip it in the cup, after that wait 5 minutes" she says throwing the box away. I finish peeing and grab a test, I slowly dip it in the cup and pu the cup in the counter. I was shaking at the results, If it negative it would be sad but we can always try again, but if it came positive, I would be happy but I'm scared that Tony will be mad at me and everything will be messed up again
"Maya calm down!" Dixie said putting her hands on my shoulders
"What If it is negative" I look up at her biting my nails
"You can always try again" she smirked
"And if it comes positive?" I sigh and sit down
"Then you and Tony will be good parents! I promise you!" She said happy and gave me a smile. Don't get me wrong a baby is a blessing, I'm just scared at the results. These past 5 minutes have been the longest
"Times up!" Dixie said and I immediately get up and rush to the test. Dixie follows me and we stare at the test, I look at her and she signs for me to grab,I slowly reach the test with my hand shaking and look at the results. Two lines appeared...
"I-I'm pregnant" I whisper and Dixie screams
"Congratulations Maya!" She hugs me and I started to cry happy tears
"Dixie I'm pregnant!" I scream and look at the test again
"Hype house Baby!" She yells and we laugh
"How are you gonna tell Tony?" She asked looking at the test and then back at me
"When he gets home. I'll tell everyone" I smile and look at my stomach in the mirror
"I'll be the best Auntie ever!" She squeals and I laugh. My phone rings and I run to it seeing that it's Tony
"Hello" i say
"Hey Babe! The meeting is over all of us are heading over there right now" Tony speaks
"Oh ok I'll be here waiting. Love you" I say and look at the Dixie and she smiles
"Love you too" he hangs up and Dixie screams again
"Chill out with the screaming please" I say and she giggles
"Sorry" she whispers
"How do I show them the test?" I asked Dixie
"Do you have like a jewelry box? Put it in there like you are giving Tony jewelry" she suggested
"I think I do. Let me see" I look thru all my jewelry and see a box with a necklace in it. I take out the necklace and put the test inside
"Done" I smile wiggling the box in my hand
"Now just wait" she winks and sets her phone for a TikTok

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