Amber Kranwinkle - p e r c a b e t h

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Blonde hair covered my face as I struggled to untangle it. This was my morning routine and I was now used to it. Everyone at school may think that I wake up spotless and ready to be cast in a neutrogena ad, but sadly this was not the case.

My brand new phone rang on my pink bedside table and my hand sub consciously reached out to grab it.

"Hello, Amber Kranwinkle speaking." My voice was perky and happy, as anyone would expect of a girl like me. It was exactly the opposite of how I was feeling, reluctant and sluggish.

"Amb. It's Annabeth. Get your lazy butt up and out the door. I will be there in five minutes."

There was a short click that told me she had hung up and I sighed. She knew me so well. My brain flicked the switch that turned it on and off and I was suddenly awake, ready for anything the day threw at me, including a day of school, which is where I was headed.

Within four and a half minutes I was ready and out the door. My hair was lightly curled and in a ponytail, like everyday, and a hint of mascara kissed my eyelashes. A bright blue car pulled up almost as soon as the door was shut behind me.

A hug was exchanged and the vehicle moved. The drive to school was only ten minutes long and it felt like three because of the amount of chatter filling the car. Our ways were parted once we got out of the car at school. My mind was only filled with the promise that I would get to meet her boyfriend after school today. I was really excited because, even though we had been best friends for multiple years, I had never met this mysterious boyfriend of hers.

I had heard many stories over the time that they had been dating, almost two years now. A few of the stories revolved around their first kiss and the summer that followed. I had learned that they had this first kiss at the same place that they met, a summer camp that was for certain people only. This meant that I couldn't visit the summer camp, because it was invitation only entry. After their first kiss they had been thrown into the canoe lake and had another supposedly underwater kiss. Surely they could not have, because they would have needed air at some point.

This had mystified me for years and today everything could be cleared up as I would be meeting him, the famous boy that there was possibly no help for, once he had met us.

The day went by like a little old lady, slowly but surely and you are sure it has to end sometime, you just don't know when. As soon as the final teacher dismissed us from class, my books were in my arms and I was out the door. Annabeth met me at the front door and I watched as a Toyota Prius drove up behind her. I didn't think anyone would be pulling up now, after school, unless they were meeting someone. A gasp fell out of my mouth as I realised and Annabeth looked over at me.

"Is that who I think it is?"

"The prius? Yeah that's Perce."

I turned back to face the car and a raven-haired boy with bright green eyes that looked like seashells climbed out of the vehicle. I had always heard stories of how hot he was from Annabeth but I didn't believe that he really looked like a greek god until I was able to lay my own eyes on him.

"Seaweed brain!" A perky voice next to me cut me from my thoughts. Blonde hair hit me in the face as Annabeth raced past me.

"Wise Girl!" Was the responding cry from the Greek god look-a-like. His lips were soon unable to speak as they were smothered by Annabeth's. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and her arms were on his neck, with his around her waist holding her up. Everyone around me stopped and stared, but the young couple didn't seem to notice nor care. Once their extended kiss ended the two continued to hug. Annabeth's feet touched the ground but her arms stayed around his neck. The two looked extremely adorable together.

Their embrace ended and Annabeth beckoned me over, probably to meet the mysterious boy who she seemed joined at the hip to. I wandered over to the Prius and was introduced to the famous Percy Jackson. He seemed really nice but about halfway through our conversation one of the jocks, straight off the sports field, came up and tried to put his arm around my waist to mirror the two I was talking to. I quickly shook him off but he tried to persist. I sent a worried look to Annabeth and she nudged Percy, nodding towards us. He quickly retracted his arm from the top of her hip bones and came towards my admirer

"Is she your girlfriend?"


"No. He's not. He never will either. Especially not if he tries to win me like this." Percy nodded at my answer and cutting off of the other boy. A round-kick to the nuts quickly made the jock drop his arm from where it was wrestling with mine. I smiled thankfully at him and he smiled back in a silent "your welcome".

That is how I met Percabeth.

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