Sarah Durrel - Solangelo

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For @lillianiskindakool

"Dude, she's literally asleep on you," a voice said, breaking it's way into Sarah's still sleep-heavy mind. She groggily groaned, slowly sitting up. She suddenly realised whose lap she had been laying on, shooting him a shy smile.

"Sorry about that," she told him, getting a kind smile in return.

"It's alright, love," he replied, his southern drawl music to her ears. She looked down, feeling her cheeks heat up. She turned to look out the front of the bus. Her hazel eyes were slowly turning back to their usual colour as the sleep fell away from them and and the light streamed in. She reached up to make sure her dark blonde hair was sitting ok before tuning in to the conversation ranging around her.

The ride back to school lasted both seconds and years, each time he checked the clock Will's smile growing. Sarah, being his best friend, took it upon herself to ask what it was about.

"Oh," Will answered, seeming to snap out of a trance at her question. "Nothing. Sorry."

"No need to apologise, love," Sarah replied, her tone teasing as she exaggerated the pet name. In return, Will chuckled quietly and rolled his eyes.

They were only about five minutes out from school when Will's smile returned in full blast. "Seriously," Sarah asked him, "what is it?"

Will looked down momentarily, his blue eyes coming to rest on her hazel ones when they came back up. "I'm just excited for my date after school," he told her.

Confusion ran through her, but she refused to let it show on her face. She kept her features blank, eyebrows raising slightly as if silently asking him for more. In response, he only shot her his blinding smile for a moment before it dropped to its usual, smaller one.

She spent the next five minutes trying to figure out who he was taking on a date, and why he hadn't asked her earlier. She would have said yes to the date, of course, who wouldn't, but it did seem a little odd to not mention it at all until less than half an hour before. And he hadn't even really asked her, either.

Pulling up at school, Sarah's heart leapt into her throat. She wasn't sure why and tried to shake it back down to its rightful place. Will noticed her hard swallows and gave her a confused look, his smile disappearing for a moment. It came right back, however, and Sarah was glad he was so excited for their date (that he hadn't officially asked for yet, but she was sure he was going to any second.)

The second the bus doors opened, Will bounded down the stairs into the carpark. He barely had time to swing his bag properly onto his back, instead letting it fall down one side of his lean body. Sarah couldn't help but wonder why he was running away so fast from her, but followed him nonetheless. 

Once she reached the bottom of the bus stairs, she glanced around for his bright blond head. It took her barely a minute to spot him standing by a black limousine. Wow, he really went all out on this date, Sarah thought to herself as she wandered towards him.

"Will," she called out, watching as his head snapped up at the call and turned to face her. A small boy was standing in front of him, leaning against the limousine. He wore a dark aviator jacket, black jeans and a faded orange shirt. Dark hair fell in his eyes, warm brown in the sunlight.

Sarah would never admit it out loud, but he was cute. Not her type, but cute. He was only about half a head shorter than Will, about Sarah's height, but Will held the limousine roof at roughly his eye height. 

"Sarah," Will called back, and she realised that she had zoned out for much too long to cover easily. Maybe her late nights were catching up with her more than she realised. "I want you to meet someone. This is Nico, my boyfriend." He gestured towards the other boy, who gave Sarah a small smile.

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