Percabeth is super cute - Percabeth

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Annabeth ran her fingers through Percy's hair, enjoying the way it felt underneath her fingers. It fell away from underneath her nails, his eyes closing at the feeling. The book sat open on her other knee, her opposite finger running along the words as she decoded them in her head. Her back rested against a large tree, the bark itchy through her shirt, but she found it didn't really register in her mind.

"What if the air was a drug and drugs made you trip into the real world," Percy rambled, "and that's why they're illegal?"

Annabeth could feel the smile grow on her face, a quick breath falling out of her mouth. Percy smiled at her laugh, his chuckle rumbling through the knee he was resting on. Annabeth's gaze switched from her book to her boyfriend's now open eyes. "I mean, it would explain a lot," he continued.

The blonde thought it over for a moment, tilting her head slightly and her lips turned downwards. She nodded, her smile returning. Her eyes flicked back to the book, reading the same sentence she had before moving her gaze. "What happens in your head, Seaweed Brain?" She wondered out loud, her knee moving with Percy's chuckle.

"A lot of things not even I understand," Percy replied, his green eyes closing again. "Don't even try to work it out." He laughed again, the vibrations running through Annabeth.

Annabeth smiled again, it only widening in every passing moment. "So what else are you thinking about, exactly?" Her eyes continued to skim the page, her mind unfocused.

"Do you think sand is called sand because it's between the sea and land?"

"No, the word sand originated from an Old English word, which itself came from the  old Dutch word sant, which became zand, which came to mean something that was finer than gravel, but coarser than dust."

"How do you that, Wise Girl?"

"By studying," Annabeth replied, resigning herself to the fact that she wasn't focusing on her book and shifting her gaze. "You should try it sometime."

Percy uncrossed his arms and reached under his head to push at Annabeth's knee. She giggled at his motion, her knee lifting his head slightly before dropping again.

"Well, where did the old English word - sant, did you say? - come from? Does your studying show that."

"No, because most old English is the roots of English. Roots is as far back as study takes you," Annabeth replied, shaking her head.

"See?" Percy said, sounding proud of himself. "Maybe that came around because it was between the sea and the -" he paused, realising that the word was sant, not sand "- lant"

"Maybe it did, Seaweed Brain."

Percy grinned, lopsided as per usual, as though he were the canary that caught the cream. Unbeknownst to them, across the park a red-haired girl was complaining to her boyfriend.

"Why can't you be more like him?" Nancy said, sounding exasperated.

"How so?" The brunet boy asked, looking upon his girlfriend with a pinch of distaste. "Be stupid and cocky?"

"Should be easy for you," Nancy replied, rolling her eyes. Her feet were hanging off the edge of the seat, her back up against Nathan's chest, his arm around her shoulders.

"Oh really?" Nathan replied, pulling away slightly to peer down at Nancy.

"Yeah," Nancy said, taking her own weight as he sat back up. "But no, I meant muscular, hot, kind and funny."

It was Nathan's turn to roll his eyes. "What do you expect me to do? I go to the gym, I'm on the basketball team, what else do you want? Also, how do you know he's kind and funny? We can't hear him," he trailed off, knowing that his point got across nonetheless.

"Well, blondie keeps laughing and smiling, so he must be doing something right," Nancy replied, tilting her head back to look up at her boyfriend. She took in every feature of his face that she could see, spending time memorising each aspect of his ever-changing features. As much as she complained, she did feel proud to be able to call Nathan her boyfriend.

"So laugh, it'll make it seem as though we're happier," Nathan said, the usual softness gone.

Nancy shook her head, smiling up at him. "I don't need to," she said, "I am happy."

"Then why do you keep complaining?" He asked, looking down to her blue eyes. He raised an eyebrow, silently adding the question mark.

Nancy sat up, taking her own weight entirely. "Because that's how I know to interact with people," she said quietly, looking to her hands resting on the table in front of her.

Nathan's arm, which had fallen to the seat when Nancy sat up, came to rest on her shoulders again, pulling her towards him. Gently, he kissed the top of her head, avoiding the curls that still covered her cranium. His head rested on hers, small smiles on both of their faces. "So, let me get this straight," he said, his tone now jokey. "You want me to be the perfect, cutesy boyfriend, but you're not going to be the perfect, cutesy girlfriend."

Nancy giggled slightly, nodding. Tears stung her cheeks, her hand quickly coming up to wipe at them. Nathan noticed her movements, his hands coming to rest on her hips for a moment, her questioning eyes coming to meet his. Then his fingers started moving and she wriggled in his grasp, gasping for breath between giggles.

"Stop!" She managed to get out, trying to push his hands away. He paused, letting her take a deep breath in, before continuing the tickle attack. She laughed again, managing to gain enough control of her arms to wrap them around his neck. At the extra weight, he stopped the ambush but left his hands, warm against her bare skin, on her hips. She smiled at him, moving her arms down to his waist to return the tickle attack.

He gasped for breath, mimicking her earlier actions. But he was saved from enduring too much of the onslaught by a male voice.

"Nancy?" Percy said, surprised at the sight of the girl in front of him.

"That's my name, don't wear it out," Nancy snapped back. She raised her eyebrow at the black haired boy in silent question.

"Percy," he supplied, "Percy Jackson."

Nancy's eyes widened at the name, her mouth falling open. "You - but - gangly - stupid -" she stuttered, trying to grab hold of a coherent thought.

"Yeah," Percy replied, a smug smile on his face. "I grew up. Did you?"

Nathan looked like he was about to stand up and defend his girlfriend's honour, but then the couple were gone. The boy that had Nancy speechless, and the girl who didn't say anything were gone, halfway down the path, their hands intertwined.


Hey guys!

So this is my first non-mortals-meet story in this book - hope it lives up to the same standards as the others. Do not despair if you don't like this one as much - the next story will be another mortals meet (kinda).

I'm working on the next request but keep sending them in. I'm going away on holiday for a week so I might be able to get some more writing done while we're away :)

Keep reading and being happy,


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