Jeremy Smith - s o l a n g e l o

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My best mate, William, is the most desirable boy in school. And not just to the girls, as there are many rumours around that he is not fully straight. People are not sure if he is gay or just bisexual but almost no one thinks he is straight. Except for the most desirable girl at school, Hayley Larte. She has been pursuing Will almost since we started school. There are many similarities between the two. Both are blonde, both have bright blue eyes and both are sporty and gorgeous. This makes Hayley assume that they would be perfect for each other, and she may not be totally wrong.

Will keeps turning her down by saying that he has a boyfriend and, although people think that he's gay, no one believes that he actually has a boyfriend.

That's how this story starts, by Will turning Hayley down once more. Except this time was different. She was persisting, instead of just walking away to come back the next day. Instead of answering the same thing 4 times in a row, Will took out his phone and quickly texted someone. They replied almost instantaneously and Will just shook his head and giggled slightly as he typed something out.

He was mumbling something under his breath and all I caught was " your't...exist." He just shook his head at the mysterious person's reply before looking at Hayley and saying to her "Just you wait, Larte, he's on his way"

Less than a minute later a boy stepped out of the shadows. Everyone who was still loitering in the hall, procrastinating going to class, jumped slightly. The boy was wearing an aviator jacket and dark ripped jeans that barely reached his black vans. Because he appeared behind Will, he hadn't seen the boy until hands placed themselves on his shoulders.

"What were the doctor's orders?" William didn't even turn around before addressing the boy.

"Sorry. It won't happen again." The boy retracted his hands from the taller boy's shoulders.

"That's a lie and you know it. But it better not." On the last word Will turned around and wrapped his arms around the other boy's neck, pulling him into what seemed to be a surprise hug because the other boy didn't react for a second before cautiously placing his arms around Will's waist and placing his head on the taller boy's chest. The latter leaned down and kissed the former on the top of the head. They stayed like that for a sustained second before breaking away and looking lovingly at each other, even if they didn't realise they were looking at each other like that.

"Who didn't believe I exist?" The shorter boy turned to the crowd that had gathered, most of which turned to face the other direction under his harsh stare. 

"Who are you?" Hayley said, her voice coming out as though she was a petulant child.

"I'm Nico. Will's significant other." He put emphasis on the 'significant other', making it seem as though he wasn't entirely happy with the wording he chose to use. Instead of responding to it, Will just rolled his eyes. Maybe this was a continuing disagreement. "Who are you?" Nico asked Hayley.

"Will's girlfriend." She responded, undeterred by Nico's appearance.

"Right." Nico said. Then, turning to face Will, "If you wanted to break up, you should have just said so, not gone and got a girlfriend." A smile covered his face, but it was clear to anyone who took the time to look in his eyes that it wasn't entirely genuine.

Will rolled his eyes, turning to face the smaller boy. "Look, Neeks, you know I would never do something like that. She's not my girlfriend, nor will she ever be. Or do you not remember that I let you shadow-travel here to prove that I did have someone else in my life -" Will paused momentarily, seeming to be searching for something in Nico's pain-filled eyes, "- someone that I love."

Nico finally looked up at his words, not noticing the eye roll from Hayley. He slowly nodded, as though the words were falling into place. Once they were all in the correct order in his head, a real smile stretched itself across his face, his eyes drifting towards his dark boots. Just as he was about to look back up, he started swaying on the spot.

Will quickly grabbed him by the waist, holding the smaller boy steady. The boy's head fell back, and I got a glimpse of his eyes, white from where they had rolled back. Seeing this, Will picked up the boy bridal style. He turned to me.

"Can you tell Mrs Rubeka that I'm going to be late, please?" He asked, racing off down the hall once I had nodded. I turned to Hayley, giving her my best death glare.

"That's why you listen when people say no," I told her before walking the other way, towards Mrs Rubeka's english class. I just hoped that the boy was okay.

About halfway through the class, the nurse came in and whispered something to Mrs Rubeka. She nodded, and turned to the class. "Mr Smith, can you please go with the nurse now?"

The nurse, Miss Graham, wandered over to my desk. "You may as well bring your books, okay?" She asked, and I nodded in response. My throat felt dry and I couldn't find any words to try and get past my sandpaper tongue.

When we got to the nurse's office, we were met with the sight of Will, hovering over the younger boy's bed. It may have just been my imagination, but the boy looked to be slightly see-through. Will was clearly worried, not leaving the boy's side even when he looked up and saw me.

"Hey, Jeremy," he greeted, turning back to face the bed. "Thanks for coming."

"It's alright," I responded, frowning. "Can't exactly ignore a summons from the nurse in the middle of class."

Will cracked a smile at that, so clearly I was doing something right. "Can you please race out to my car and grab the paper bag from in the boot?" He asked, chucking me his keys. I easily caught them, already starting to nod before he continued. "I would do it myself -"

"No, no," I said, cutting him off. "I get it. Boyfriend in trouble. He's first priority."

Will gave me a grateful smile, turning back to look at his boyfriend. I smiled as I left the room. They clearly deserved the world, but the world was too cruel to give them anything.

In the boot of his car, I found the paper bag as Will had said, quickly running it back inside. He took it from me gratefully, reaching in to pull out a small piece of what looked like a medicine bottle. He uncapped it and tilted it against the boy's lips. Immediately, the younger boy stirred, coming more into view and opening his eyes. Will sighed.

"Never do that again," he told the boy. "I know I said to this time, but you really scared me."

The boy gave a sheepish smile before looking over at me. "Hi, I'm Nico, Will's boyfriend." He held his hand out, and I shook it quickly.



Sorry this is almost a month late! I completely lost track of time and missed my usual post time a couple weeks ago. Please forgive me. I'll pass it to past me now...

Not my best work, sorry. Hope you're enjoying this book so far and continue to follow wherever I take you. Please vote, comment and request. It would mean a lot to get feedback, no matter how mean or helpful it is. And I will get around to requests if you send them in, although my schedule doesn't always allow it to be the next update.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful 24 hours (Better than assuming what time it is wherever you are, despite how creepy it sounds!)

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