Nico goes to hell - Solangelo

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Will wasn't sure how the argument had started, just that it had escalated far too fast to be considered reasonable. Less than ten minutes after the beginning of the fight - no, it was more of an argument, Will tried to convince himself - the couple were throwing the worst insults they could think of at each other.

"You wouldn't know, sun boy!" Nico yelled, pushing his chest forward in anger. Annoyance flickered in his eyes at the fact that he had to look up in the midst of any conversation. "Look it up!"

"I don't need to!" Will responded, his tone matching the smaller boy's. "I know you're wrong!"

"Ugh," Nico groaned. "I'm bored." He relaxed his stance, showing Will he wasn't joking. He tried to relax his face, but knew that some anger stayed in his eyes. Fire burned behind his eyes, and he fought back the tears that sprung up any time he got really angry.

Will tried to come up with a response, but how do you really respond to that. He couldn't particularly say "No, you're not bored," as that would be inconsiderate. Even in the midst of an argument, he tried to be as considerate as possible. Yet, somehow, he couldn't help the next words that slipped between his lips.

"Oh, go to hell."

Will's face paled as he realised what he said. Nico stepped backwards, towards the wall that matched his outfit. He started to disappear into the shadows, ignoring Will's searching eyes and the hand that reached towards him. "Ok," he said as he took one last step back, the shadows filling his vision for a moment.

When they cleared, Nico looked up into the three faces of Cerberus. Reaching behind him, Nico pulled the ball he always kept in his pocket out. He held it up to Cerberus, all six eyes following its progress. After a second of teasing, Nico threw the ball upwards and let Cerberus tear it to shreds. He smiled at the sight, patting the leg closest to him as he passed underneath.

It was a quick trip to his father's castle, and it was quicker as Nico did it at a quick jog. When he reached the dark, heavy doors, he touched them lightly. He admired the intricate carvings engraved on the large doors, watching as they crept away from him with a loud creak. Groaning under their own weight, they parted to reveal the room behind.

Although he had been here many times before, the room still took his breath away. Polished bronze glittered under his feet, his black shoes matching the obsidian walls. His eyes wandered to the edges of the room, which were lined with skeleton soldiers and other assorted guards. They regarded Nico as coldly as they could with their hollow eye sockets, although ultimately ignored him.

Nico wandered through the hall, his pace more of an amble rather than a jog. Slowly, he made his way to the throne room, his father barely noticing his presence as he wandered through the opened door. It closed behind him with a loud bang, making Hades jump and look up to see his son.

"What are you doing here, Nico?"

Nico sighed. The truth seemed stupid, almost childish, now that he was about to tell a God. "Um -" he started, unsure of what to tell him. "Will and I fought." He finally decided to partially tell the truth, keeping his childish antics out of it. Hades knew him too well, however, as the God merely raised an eyebrow at his reddening son. Nico took a step backwards, looking down to avoid his father's dark gaze. "Will told me to go to hell."

The words caused Hades to chuckle slightly, his head nodding in understanding. "So you did," he said, his lips turning down in what Nico couldn't describe as anything other than awe. He slowly nodded, feeling his face heat up even more. Hades looked back down at the book in his hand. "Stay as long as you want," he said, waving his hand in dismissal.

Nico smiled, turning to follow one of the skeletons through the halls to his room. As he walked, he ran his hand along the textured walls, feeling the obsidian cutting pleasantly at his fingers. The skeleton turned his head around, chattering at Nico. The boy immediately took his hand off the wall, mourning the loss of the pattern against his fingertips. This seemed to please the skeleton, as he - maybe she? Nico wasn't entirely sure - turned back around to face the way they were going.

After a few minutes of endless corridors and doors that led to nowhere, the skeleton stopped outside a door that was identical to any other one in the hallway. Except for the sign on the door, black to match the walls, with Nico's name written on it in Hades' messy writing, white against the rest of the hallway. 

He pushed lightly on the dark wood door, it swung open under his fingertips. "Thank you," Nico said quietly to the skeleton, who chattered at him before walking back the way they had come. The boy, now alone in the vast hallway, wandered into his room and looked around.

Despite visiting his father's palace many times over the years, Nico had only stayed the night once before. He had almost forgotten the size of his overnight room, the king sized bed small in the expanse of open space. Nico felt like a doll wandering around a human-sized house. Slowly, he made his way over to the bed and flopped down on it, letting the cold sheets invite him in. 

With nothing else to occupy him, he let his thoughts drift to his boyfriend. He was probably rushing around fixing everyone in the infirmary as well as he could with his anger still affecting his actions. While Will was okay at showing emotions, he had no idea how to deal with it, so he took it out the only way he knew - by helping everyone else as well as he could. It seemed like a good way to deal with it, or at least for everyone else, but Nico knew the damage it could do.

When Will was angry, especially like this, his actions were clunky and harsh, even though usually he was very precise and careful with his movements. This lead to not only injuring patients further, but in some cases he seriously hurt people to the point of taking them to Thanatos.

Nico knew there was something simple he could do to stop this, but he was never one to give in at the end of a fight first. Let Will realise what he was doing and Iris message him, Nico thought. Remorse already filled his mind, but he pushed those thoughts away in favour of letting his brain drift to sleep. Although he had gained more control over his under-worldly magic, it still tired him to no end.

When he woke later, he looked around to find what woke him. He couldn't figure out where he was, or what time it was, but he did know that sleep still sat heavily on his eyelids and tried to pull him back into its clutches. After a moment, he saw a glow coming from across the room, and a message saying to deposit a drachma to take the incoming Iris-message.

Nico groaned at the sight, dragging himself out of bed to grab a drachma off his bedside table and stagger over to the source of the glow. He listlessly threw the drachma at the glowing circle and it was gone, the connection immediately going through. The sight in front of him was not the one he expected. His blond haired boyfriend was sitting in a darkened cabin - that much he did expect - but it was not the Apollo cabin.

It took Nico a moment to figure out where exactly Will was calling from, his brain was still sluggish. Once he did, however, he exclaimed, his voice low and raspy from his nap. "What are you doing in my cabin, Solace?"

Will smiled at his boyfriend dressed in an oversized shirt and boxers, his eyes darkened from the dim light. "I didn't want to wake my siblings," he replied, his voice quiet despite being alone. 

"And yet you didn't worry about waking me," Nico said, fake annoyance creeping into his tone.

Will's smile only widened, his head dipping in mock apology. Then his smile faded, realising he needed to get to the point of his call before his courage ran out. "I'm sorry, Nico. I shouldn't have said those things."

Nico nodded, pretending to think over his forgiveness, before shyly looking up at Will through his lashes. "It's not all your fault," he said, shaking his head slightly. "I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't have taken you so literally." He gestured around him, showing Will the bedroom he'd never seen before.

Will laughed slightly at Nico. "I wish you were here," he said. But before he could finish his sentence, Nico cut the connection. Will hung his head, sure his boyfriend was lying about his forgiveness. Then he felt arms around his waist and a warm breath on his ear.

"And what would you do if I was?" Nico whispered, his voice still heavy. Just the way Will loved.

Will spun around and pulled Nico towards him, drawing his chin up so he could look in those dark eyes he loved so much. "This," he said before crashing his lips onto Nico's. There was no doubt in his mind that their apologies were genuine anymore.

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