Campbell Rogers - s o l a n g e l o

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Quick A/N: In this, Nico is like 17 so Percy is old enough to have left school.

"What are you doing here, death boy?" I call across the hallway at the source of my irritation. At my voice, he looks up in terror, shying away into the lockers.

His dark eyes shone. "I'm here because I can. And because you don't own me, nor can you tell me what to do."

I fixed him with my best death glare, perfect for the boy obsessed with death, before I heard my teammates call out for me. "You're lucky I have to go to football, other your snark would be punished." With that hopefully scaring him for a while, I turned and ran towards my mates.

"Oh no, I'm so scared," he called in my direction. I ignored him, for now. He would need to be taught a lesson tomorrow.

The next day, I arrived at school with the intention of beating Nico - that was death boy's real name apparently - until he was matching his dark ensemble. That means clothes, by the way. But to my surprise, he turned up in a different car to usual.

"Thanks Percy!" He called to the person driving. I wonder if that was his brother or something. Who gets driven to school by their brother? I drive my little brother to school. That's how you can tell he's not as cool as me.

The car Nico had climbed out of pulled out and drove away. Nico stood for a moment, smiling sadly at the now empty space. I think it was one of the first times I had seen him smile since he came to Stonewall. Silently, I realised that that was probably my fault.

When Nico had arrived at school, he hadn't quite been all smiles and joy but he hadn't been all doom and gloom either. Almost immediately, there was something about him that irritated me, so I returned the feeling in the way that I knew best - throwing taunts and mean names in his direction. His smile, however weak, had completely faded within the first few weeks, and I hadn't seen it since.

It wasn't that I meant to change him, but it did seem too much of a coincidence to look the other way completely. There was a pang of something - I couldn't quite place what it was - in my chest before he looked up at me, his dark eyes hard.

I raised an eyebrow at him and he quickly looked back down, walking into school. As he left, his presence was replaced with my football buddies, clapping me on the back and bringing me from my thoughts into their conversation.

"Excuse me?" I heard a voice behind me, so I turned to face the newcomer. My brown eyes met his blue, his blonde hair abnormally yellow. He had a natural tan, making it seem as though he lived in California rather than dreary New York. I raised my eyebrow at him, and he continued. "Do you know where I could find Sunshi- I mean Nico Di Angelo?"

I shook my head in disbelief. "I'm sorry, what were you about to call him?"

"Sunshine. It's my nickname for him," the stranger replied, laughing slightly.

"Sunshine?" I asked, my voice rising in pitch. "Also yeah, he just went inside. But mate -" I grabbed his arm as he started to brush past me "- trust me, you don't want to be friends with him."

He shot me a quick smile and there was something in it I couldn't quite read. "You're right," he admitted, "I don't want to be his friend."

He left that statement hanging in the air as he pulled his arm from my grip and wandered inside. I stared after him, silently wondering what sort of person would be looking for Nico Di Angelo.

The bell rang before I could delve into my thoughts too much, jolting me out of my head and into the present. We all wandered inside and to our respective first lessons. Neither Nico nor the new boy - I still didn't know his name - were in my class, yet my thoughts drifted to them anyway. Whenever the teacher asked me a direct question I would answer, usually correctly, but quickly flee back to my thoughts.

As soon as my class was over, the group met back up. Luckily, we all had a free period, and usually spent most of it throwing taunts at anyone who was below us. And, to be honest, that was most people.

Before we got too far, I spotted Nico a ways down the hallway. "Hey! Sunshine!" I called at him, putting as much malice as I could into the nickname. He glanced up and his eyes widened at the sight of us. Returning to their normal width a moment later, I decided that it was just a figment of my imagination.

"What do you want?" He called back, quieter as we were now nearer. His arms crossed themselves over his chest, and for the first time I got a glimpse into his locker. On the door behind him, there was a picture of a large group, their arms around each other and they all looked to be laughing.

"Who's that?" I asked, pointing at the picture, as much disgust as I could muster in my voice.

He glanced at where I was pointing, and this time I definitely saw his eyes widen. "No one," he replied, closing his locker.

I was about to say something else but a voice behind me beat me to it. "Oh, so we're no one now?"

Nicos eyes widened, again, but this time they stayed wide as his smile grew to match them. "Will?" He whispered, disbelief colouring his voice.

"Sunshine," the blonde boy affirmed, holding his arms out for the smaller boy. Nico quickly pushed past our group, running into the taller boy's embrace.

"What are you doing here?" I heard him murmur into who I guessed was Will's chest.

"I go here," Will responded into Nico's hair. At his words, Nico pulled back slightly and slapped him on the arm.

"That's for not telling me," he said, before grabbing the back of Will's neck and pulling him down for a quick kiss. Once they pulled away he murmured, "and that's for surprising me."

My friends and I exchanged glances, all feeling as though we were intruding on a personal moment. I cleared my throat, causing both of them to jump. Clearly, they had gotten so lost in themselves they had forgotten where they were.

"Sorry," Will spoke up. "I should introduce myself. I'm new here. My name's Will. Solace." He held his hand out in a friendly gesture, holding Nico against his other side. I hesitatingly shook it.

"Campbell Rogers."

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