Michayla Grant - s o l a n g e l o

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Will Solace. My best friend. My rock. The person that I can always lean on. Tell anything. Laura's future boyfriend. The boy who always said no to any date offers sent his way.

The blonde I just described was walking down the hallway at school, shifting his hips with his weight as he does. Laura, our other best friend, who has a long time crush on William, suddenly appeared at my side.

She was a blonde unlike me, the one brunette in our trio, and had the prettiest brown eyes I had ever seen. Currently, her long hair was tied back in a high ponytail that reached down to her shoulder blades. She was smart and, if she wanted, could be the most popular girl in our year level.

We all walked into class in our triangle, with Will at the front like usual. We are always the first ones to class so that we can talk and not have to worry about losing track of time so it surprised me when we walked in and there was a boy who couldn't have been much older than 15 sitting at a desk already. He glanced at the door as we passed through it. Even though I was behind him, I could tell that Will's face broke out into a smile at the sight of the new boy.

As we headed towards our usual seats near to the back of the room but Will started to move towards the new boy sitting nearer to the front. Laura grabbed his arm before he got too far and he turned back to face us. Just as he was about to say something the bell rang and the other students streamed into the classroom. I guess we weren't as early as we usually were.

The teacher started class up soon after everyone walked in. I managed to snag a seat near the front, directly behind the new black-clothed boy. Will sat next to him and Laura sat next to me, behind Will.

As soon as class was over I followed Will, Laura and the new boy out of the room. Will and the boy were talking and laughing while Laura stared adoringly at Will's back. The boy punched Will in the arm and Will playfully pushed him. We headed towards the great outdoors and to the tree we always sit under.

Once we sat I turned to Will who had his arm around the younger boy

"So Will who's this?" Both WIll and the boy burst out laughing

"Hi I'm Nico di Angelo" The black-clad boy held out his hand and I graciously shook it.

"Nice to meet you. How do you know Will here?"

"We're at the same summer camp together." Will finally used his voice and answered my question.

"Ahh yes, the famous summer camp you always go to and talk about." Laura continued to stare fixedly at William, who had dropped his arm from around the raven haired boy's shoulders.

Suddenly the group was interrupted by another dark haired boy with bright green eyes. Instantly my heart started racing but I managed to calm myself before he reached our gathering.

"Percy? What are you doing here?"

"Where's Annabeth?" Questions were fired left and right at who I assumed was Percy.

"Slow down, slow down. I'm here to pick you up cousin - not you Will. Annabeth is at camp, she's okay. She's the one who sent me to grab you, Neeks - Will sit down - she wants to see you about 'plan A'?"

Nico rolled his eyes at Percy's breathy words but nodded, and stood over Will. "I guess I'll see you later"

"But you only just got here!" Will looked honestly downtrodden. My heart broke to see one of my best friends that vulnerable.

"Neeks, we need to go."

"Look, significant annoyance, you know I seriously like you okay? I'll be back, as long as Annabeth allows me of course." At his words Will cracked a small smile. I felt as though we were intruding on a personal moment between them.

Percy started walking away, rolling his eyes at the two boys. Nico had to run to catch up with his long legged walk. Will called out to him so he paused and turned around. The blonde haired boy of the pair ran towards the other. As soon as they reached each other their lips seemed to glue themselves together.

Percy turned back to face the car park and called back over his shoulder

"Oi! Lovebirds! Annabeth's waiting!"

Nico and Will broke apart, smiling wider than I've ever seen Will smile before. He, without taking his eyes off Nico, called back to Percy

"You can't talk! Annabeth and you hardly have your hands off each other!" In response, Percy only laughed and continued walking. Nico gave William one last peck before carrying on after his cousin.

Will came back and sat down with our group, still grinning from ear to ear.

"You're gay?" The surprised outcry came from Laura, sitting next to me with her mouth wide open

"You didn't guess?" Will's eyes widen. All Laura can manage to do in her shocked state is shake her head. I giggle lightly at her.

And that's the story of how I met Solangelo and found out my best friend was gay.

Sucks to be you right now Laura!

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