Chapter 2

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A/N- Question of the day:"Where you a Disney or Nickelodean fan as a child? Or none?"

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A/N- Question of the day:"Where you a Disney or Nickelodean fan as a child? Or none?"

Dedicated to kylie2304


While I destroyed my once clean room for trying to find that one thing, I felt exhausted

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While I destroyed my once clean room for trying to find that one thing, I felt exhausted. The past week has been tiring enough, especially with Carl bursting with questions and assuming I have a boyfriend, (which I do, and a very nice one at that.) I just want a break.And I'll make sure that I get it. After work ends today, I'll be free the entire weekend. Which still doesn't cheer me up though, because I don't want to go to work at all. I don't want Carl to try to impress me with tulips, (I wonder who told him they are my favourites.) I mean, why every day?!

Who knows what's gotten into him? He wasn't that into me before, but now he seems like he's loved me for ages! And Jer, don't make me started on Jer! He is completely ignoring me as if giving me the silent treatment 'cause I've done something cruel. He never replied to the million texts I sent him, (I finally figured the right way out. The internet really helps.) I'm worried. It makes me wonder if I actually did something wrong. And I guess I did do something wrong. I just don't know what wrong I did yet. And now since I can't find the precious rose Kaushik gave me the other day; which I thought would make my day better; I feel like I'm battling between two principles in my life. 1. Don't give up till you find it and, 2. Don't be late for work. So, defeated, I leave without the flower.


I guess not bringing the rose was actually lucky. Shit. Don't say that, me. Kaushik gave me the rose with lots of love and I should appreciate it. I just wish he knew my favourites were tulips.

However, the best thing happened today. Carl didn't come to work. Which means no flowers! Apparently, he's got the flu. And I know I shouldn't be so happy about my co-worker being sick, but I'm feeling marvelous. Victorious. I'm so happy I can't stop smiling. The moment I entered the office and one of my colleagues told me the jolly news, I couldn't stop smiling. Not even when Mrs. Kelmer gave me shitloads of works to do.

At lunch, I go to Camron's. As I'm having the most delicious meal of my day, I get a text. It's from an unknown number, but I still open it.

You're stupid. You have a crap boyfriend.

Ok, that was rude. Who is this fucking stupid guy, and how the fuck does he know about Kaushik? Wait, does he know about him or is he just.... I immediately text back the number.

Who are you and who told you I have a boyfriend? I don't have one.

Okay, that oughta do it. Answer it, sucker. I get another text.

No one needs to tell me. Its Kaushik. That guy you met at Christie's party.

Okay, this guy is psychic. Or a stalker. Hmm, definitely a stalker.

No, I didn't, you stupid prick. I don't have a boyfriend.

My phone immediately pings.

Yes, you do. If you didn't, then do you keep on sending those stupid, lovesick messages to him?

I'm shook. Shocked. Shell-shocked. This text has blown the hell out of me. This guy is not a stalker, he's a hacker. Or...

Its Kaushik. He's pranking me. Yeah, or else how would anyone else know about the texts, right?

Is it you, Kaushik? Are you pranking me?

I wait with impatience, but the reply I get starts worrying me.


Damnnit. Shit. Someone kill me.... Fuck my life which has no existence.

Then who are you?

Not Kaushik.

I get that. But what's your name?

I won't tell you that. But I can tell you that I'm your well-wisher.

Man, I have doubts you even know the meaning of a well-wisher. Do they send harsh texts like you all the time cause that is weird af.

Yes, they do all the time.

Yeah, like I believe you, Mr. stalker.

Stalker is a little harsh, don't you think?

I don't.

Okay, let me tell you something. You go easy on me. And I'll go easy on you.

I'll just block you.

You won't.

What gives you the idea that I won't?

'Cause you need a friend.

No, I don't.

Yes, you do. You really do. You need a friend who helps you make the right decisions in life and stop making bad ones.


Because you're a bad decision maker. You basically play with your life in your hands like a Rubix cube.

Poetic much? Who gave you that idea?

You. And the situation your life is in.

What do you mean? What situation?

Well let's see. You have a crappy job and oh, that's right, a shit boyfriend.

Okayyy, I may hate my job because its crappy, but my boyfriend definitely isn't.

Yes, he is. You'll see. Gotta go now, bye.

Hey! Crawled back to the rabbit hole you came out so soon? Sad.....

But to my unsatisfaction, I don't get a reply. Both my ego and humorous taunts are put to a rest unfortunately. As I walk towards my office, a million questions are swimming around in my brain.

Who was he? How did he know all these about me? Is he right?

No, surely isn't. I'm not that bad a decision maker. Am I?

When I enter the office, I take out my phone to block the number. But instead, save it by the name, 'need a friend'.


The only thing keeping me alive rn is reading other pple's stories. And bty the mention of stories, I decided from now on I might dedicate my chapters to my lovely readers!

Tell me if u have any complaints about it. Thanks! And please click the star icon to vote and make me smile. And don't forget to comment. It encourages me. Love ya guys.

Happy reading😊😊😊!!!!

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