Chapter 7

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A/N- Eid update and more than 100 votes!!!Dedicated to Aria_321

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A/N- Eid update and more than 100 votes!!!
Dedicated to Aria_321

Question of the day: "Have you ever pierced any part of your body?"

Question of the day: "Have you ever pierced any part of your body?"

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"Thank you." Mrs. Kelmer says when I hand her the lunch I brought for her.

"Can I go to lunch now?"


As I reach my desk to take my wallet, I get a call.

"Mrs. Kelmer's office."

"Here's a guy to see you." Its Roma from reception.

"Okay. I'll be done there." And like I thought, Jer is standing there waiting for me when I get down.

"Woah, Lav!" he says when he gets a good look at me, holding me at arm's length. "You look..." he gulps. "...sophisticated."

I'm wearing aa ivory white shirt and the bud-green flare pants he chose for me. I smile at him at the compliment. "You don't look bad yourself." He's wearing a well fitted salty blue Hawaiian shirt and khakis.

"So, shall we?" he asks and takes my arm in his and we walk to a café of his choice. It's called Mitron's. It's an Indian place and the aroma I get when I get inside makes my stomach lurch in hunger. How did I work so close to this place and never know about it?

He orders for me, but I don't mind. I look around and like the interior. Its decorated with colorful tiles on the floors and bright walls.


"So?" I deadpan.

"How's life?" I'm about to answer him when he continues. "Wait, no, how's life without boyfriends?" he says boyfriends with a sardonic tone.

"It's fine." I can't help but match his sarcastic tone.

He smiles at me, but his tone turns serious when he speaks again. "How are you?"

I raise an eyebrow at him. "I'm fine. Really." I add, when I see his mood shift. "Hey what's wrong?" I ask after an awkward beat of silence.

"Uh...its just..." this is one of the things I don't like about Jer. Getting things out of him is just such a struggle. He hats confrontation; like me; and so, him trying to tell me to grow up was a big step for him. But that also means getting him to say serious things or his true feeling is like fighting in WW2.

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