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Aesthetic by Queen17_06

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Aesthetic by Queen17_06. Go check out her book!

Dedicated to: sufiena1608

Question of the day: "What food will you absolutely not, under any circumstances, eat?"

A/N- Before I begin, I want to tell you guys that new characters r gonna be introduced here. I won't describe them too much, bcoz that will be the work of the spinoff. (Yes, its happening!) Ok, so get reading!


One year and a few months later

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One year and a few months later........

"Talia! Where's Zara? We need the cake!" Paste shouts as soon as me and Jer finish putting up the decorations on the wall.

"She'll be here soon, Paste. Don't worry." Talia replies, phone in hand, obviously dialling Zara to calm Paste.

"Take a chill pill, Paste. Everything will be alright." I say, gently massaging her back.

"Maybe you're right. But you've got to know, Eli gave me a big surprise on my birthday last year. I want his to be special too."

"It'll be. But you guys are so predictable, I think Eli has been waiting for a surprise all day long." Talia retorts.

"No, we're not."

"Yes, you are." Talia sticks her tongue out. "By the way, just spoke to Zara. She's on her way."

Pastel sighs in relief. She's been planning Eli's birthday for about a month now. I wouldn't be surprised if she wants it to be picture perfect.

Unfortunately, the calm ends when the bell rings and paste goes anxious again.

"Hide! Everyone hide! Eli's here!"

"Yay! Uncle Eli is here!" Kiara, Claire's daughter, squeals.

"No, Kiara it's me." We all turn to see Zara. Carl seems to have opened the door. My eyes immediately fall to the corner of her eye. It seems she has hurt herself by falling on a hard surface. That may be the truth or I'm thinking that only because I'm clumsy.

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