Chapter 9

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A/N-Dedicated to edy07777

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A/N-Dedicated to edy07777

Question of the day: "In ur opinion, do girls look better with long hair or short hair?"

Don't you just love waking up on a Sunday morning? Apparently, my dear sister Paste doesn't because she is hopping on my bed to wake me up early in the morning

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Don't you just love waking up on a Sunday morning? Apparently, my dear sister Paste doesn't because she is hopping on my bed to wake me up early in the morning. "What time is it?" I groan and roll over, trying to get her out of my bed.

"It's 8 am. Now, come on, wake up!" She shrieks, jumping up and down like a kangaroo.

"Okay." I groan again as I get out of bed. But halfway to my washroom, I turn around. "What do you want to do that you're waking me up this early?"

Her answering smile is infectious and her blue eyes alight with excitement. "First we will go jogging together. Then we will shower and go on a movie Fiesta!"

"I thought you had a boyfriend," I say in my most mock-serious tone. "If you shower with me, he'll think you're cheating on him." Now, she groans.

"We went on a date yesterday and I told him about our plans for the day. And by the way, he loves me too much to break-up with me even if I cheat on him."

I'm dumbstruck. "Wow. So, you guys went to the 3 magical words, already? Can I at least know who he is now?" she shakes her head as I pout. "Why?"

"Because... just because. Now go, get ready!"

As soon as I am out of the washroom, Pastel drags me outside the house. Dad laughs as I pass him with mock-horror on my face. For around 2 hours we run, all the while making small talk about work and friends. Well, she does most of the friends talking since I have next to no one except Jer to call my friend.

When we arrive home, have breakfast and shower (not together, mind you we are in our mid-20s not 7 years old's) we go out to the mall. We do some shopping (well, she does) and after we have a snack, we decide to go to the theater.

Even after my pouting and struggles, Paste decides on a boring action movie. And as we get in line to buy the tickets, I spot the guy behind us eyeing Paste. She's wearing a tiny blue camisole, tight jeans and high heels with her strawberry blonde hair piled high and tendrils hanging down. I don't blame him. When we entered the hall, I whisper to her, "You got another admirer, toothpaste." She looks utterly stunned as we take our seats. I laugh as I realize I called her childhood nickname I gave her. The movie is actually more interesting and entertaining than I thought it would be and soon I'm laughing at the stupid punchline the hero keeps on saying.

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