Chapter 12

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A/N- dedicated to ArtistSamara

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A/N- dedicated to ArtistSamara

Question of the day: "Winter or Summer?"

I'm overwhelmed with the heat surrounding me

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I'm overwhelmed with the heat surrounding me. I'm too hot, everywhere. I open my eyes to find Jer wrapped around me like ivy. His head is on my chest and his hands are around my waist. I think back to yesterday and boy does my head hurt. But I remember Pastel's words and nod inwardly. No more ladylike steps. I need to stride. I'm not kid anymore. First, I need to find a new apartment. I don't think I can live in that house anymore. The thought makes me sad, but I gotta do it. Second, I have to get my hands on Pastel's music. They are amazing! And third-

"Hi." Jer's raspy morning voice stops me in my tracks.

"Hi." I smile as he shoots me a million-dollar smile, untangling himself from me. "Sorry." He stares at me in confusion. "For calling you selfish and-" His lips stop my talking and my hands immediately go to his arms as it feels hella good to be kissed by him. I know we just kissed once yesterday, but I already love his kisses. Because it's uncanny how much I feel when his tongue touches mine. I've honestly never felt this good while kissing someone.

"You're forgiven." He says, but his voice is uncertain as if I doesn't know if I'll be the same in the light of day.

"Huh. I figured." I say cockily, but wince. "My head hurts." I watch him as he visibly relaxes but gets up from the bad and goes to the washroom, only to come back moments later with Advil. He hands it to me along with a glass of water from beside his bed and I sit up and have it. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." He says but there is mischief in his eyes. It's like some kind of magic happened yesterday. Because now I see Jer in a different light. I see everything in a different light. But before I have time to self-reflect, Jer hops on me and starts tickling me till I'm a laughing mess.

"Jer, stop. Please! Ow! Please!"

"None can do, baby doll."

I stop laughing. "Don't call me that." Jer stops, confused. "My dad used to call me that when we were younger."

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