Chapter 6

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Dedicated to Mel_S_Bee

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Dedicated to Mel_S_Bee

Question of the day: "What your favourite music genre?"


We begin assembling the clothes in groups, making outfits for different types of occasions such as parties, dinner, office, dates (I guess I won't need these clothes as much as I promised Jer during the pep talk in his car that I'll not date anyon...

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We begin assembling the clothes in groups, making outfits for different types of occasions such as parties, dinner, office, dates (I guess I won't need these clothes as much as I promised Jer during the pep talk in his car that I'll not date anyone until I'm at a point of my life I want to in. but I'm not telling Paste that.) and so on.

When we're done, it's almost midnight and we still didn't have dinner, so we head to the kitchen. I open the fridge to find beef lasagna nicely wrapped up as if ready to take out and eat. I put in the microwave and turn to Pastel. Mom named Pastel. When I was younger, I always found it weird. I mean, who names their kid Pastel? But this became one of the many things I couldn't ask Mom before she died. I vaguely remember I also had something to ask like "Do boys like big boobs or small?" to ask Mom.

"Earth to Lavender!" Pastel breaks my train thought. I smile at her and she asks me, "How long did you and that dude date?"

"Which dude?"

"The one you rudely dumped yesterday." I feel a swell of pride when she says rudely. Because I think he deserved it. He didn't even call me after yesterday. I thought he'd at least have the nerve to ask me what was wrong or apologize. But he didn't. So I think he deserves rudeness just fine.

"About 2 or 3 months."

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because every time I brought someone, you guys scared him away and he dumped me the next day."

"That was one time, Lav! Or 3. I don't remember."

"Exactly. But it was 4 times though."

"What do we do to scare the Pussy Cats away?"

I laugh at her choice of words. "You guys bring up marriage somehow. Like, immediately after the guy walks in. and so the guy thinks I might be crazy about marriage too. And then dumps me."

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