Chapter 11

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A/N-dedicated to bloom759

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A/N-dedicated to bloom759

Question of the day: "Movies or books?"

Question of the day: "Movies or books?"*

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"Mr. Hill is currently very busy with a client." I say as we take a seat. I hope Frank is divorced, because if he is having an affair with Ms. Michaels, I am doing something very wrong. "He has asked me to keep you company till, well, till he finishes with him." I lie for good measure .

"Oh." Claire's voice is sweet, and I start petting her cute dog as a silence follows. An awkward silence.

"What's your favorite movie?" I ask and then it starts to rain. Well, words of rain because Claire and I have so much in common that I think we would make great friends if we had met earlier. We start talking about her dating life and the horrible dates we've had to endure. "...and he said-" She gets interrupted by her phone ringing "Yeah Eli? Sure, we are in a cafe opposite Sombaro's. OK. My brother." She says in explanation.

Soon as I'm talking about a horrible date with Jake, I see a hand snake around Claire's shoulders she turns around and kisses his cheek. "Eli." she smiles.

"Ready to go?"

"Not yet. Sit with us." She points to me and Eli looks at me in her condition eyes. Does he know me? "Dad is in a meeting. She's the client's assistant." Claire says as Eli nods at me. He is a good-looking chap. His eyes are the color of the forest and hair the same thickness of Jer- God, not again. I study him sometime. Something about the way of his jaw seems recognizable. Then something ticks inside me. "You are Elijah Hill. We were in high school together. You were in the football team."

He stands suddenly. "Yeah. Hey sis, I will be in the car." Weird. Claire smiles to in apology as the way her brother literally stormed out.

"I guess he is a bit mad today. Nice to meet you, Lavender. Wish to see you again. But I gotta go." We say our goodbyes and then I head home.

Once out of the shower, I text Will, but no reply. He must be at work, I think. I roam around the house aimlessly since dad and Pastel are at work and find myself at the garage. I don't even remember how I came here. I'm rummaging through some stuff as I am bored. Our garage is kind of like our storeroom. I am trying to find some old junk too fancy when I find a notebook. I open it and it's full of diary entries. With my mom 's handwriting. Wow, my mom sure had a lot of diaries. I go to my room start reading it. I find most of the entries start with 'P and L'. Mom addressed me and my sister as 'P and L'. It's all over her other diary. Half-way into a story about how Paste always wets her pants, diary drops on my face at the very last entry. I put back on my hands and start reading it.

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