Chapter 15

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Aesthetic by Queen17_06

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Aesthetic by Queen17_06. check her out! she's an amazing graphic artist!

Dedicated to taking_revenge

Question of the day: "Do you like spicy food or sweet food?"

Question of the day: "Do you like spicy food or sweet food?"

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"You can leave now." Ms. Michaels says. I fidget with her coffee cup in my hand as I think about the research I did about Frank Hill yesterday. "Do you want to say something?"

"Yes, Ms. Michaels." I'm about to take a seat when she interrupts me.

"Did I tell you to sit?" God, this woman is frustrating.

"No. uh, I was saying that Frank Hill-"

"Yeah, he told me about you. You want an article? Why may I ask?" she looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't want it anymore." Not after what I found yesterday. Shit, I still feel guilty. "I was just saying that, you know, Frank Hill is a married man. You know that, right? But if you're having an affair-"

"Who told you we're having an affair?" she sound angry. Well, the booking for an entire night you told me to make under both your name's last Monday told me.

"Well, you told me to make a booking at the Cliveman so I assumed-"

"Are you getting paid to make assumptions?" Shit, she's furious. "Just go work!" she practically shouts at me. I scurry out of her cabin and meet Carl outside.

Seeing my alarmed expression he asks, "Everything alright?"

"Not really. The gorilla's lost her temper."

"Be careful." He says and heads for the elevators. I sit down and find a text from Will. I immediately smile. It's been so long since we last spoke.

Why the lack of communication these last few days?

I could accuse you of the same.

I guess we're both at fault here.

I guess. So how are you?

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