chapter two

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Marks pov

Once I got on the plane with Johnny he led me over to where we are sat. I was a bit excited, but also terrified to see I had the window seat.

I quickly sat down, not wanting to slow down the line behind us. Once Johnny sat down he pushed his bag under the seat in front of him. I
mimicked his actions.

"Well, let's hope you remember everything I taught you about airports for when you fly back here". I feel like I can remember all this. As long as I can find the start I will eventually find the finish.

Though it would be convenient to have Johnny with me when I have to fly home. There's just no way in hell that would happen.

"You were a pretty good teacher, I'll probably manage without you". Johnny smiled "let's hope so".

I looked out the small window next to me, it's so weird being in a plane. It's not my first time but I was probably only 2 or 3 last time I flew. Everything about my current situation just feels weird.

Maybe it's best if I just ignore this feeling. I should enjoy this summer before my senior year, this may be my last chance to have some real fun. I know once I go home everything will probably change, but I won't dwell on it.

"So why are you going to Canada? You said you're from Chicago". Once Johnny had told me he was from Chicago I was really confused about why he would be going to Canada.

"I'm visiting my brother."
Jeez, Johnny's family seems to be everywhere. America, Korea, Canada, what's next? Is he going to tell me he has a sister in Brazil?

"he and I have lived quite different lifestyles, but I still love that brat". I just nodded my head, unsure of what to say. I'm not sure what's it's like to have a brother so I'm not sure exactly what to say.

"I'm guessing you're going to Canada for summer break?" All I could say was a quick yes before the flight attendant suddenly started speaking. I really wanted to just doze off but this is probably something I should pay attention too.


"Mark wake up, ugh he's not getting up. You know what, can I get two bowls of Bibim-guksu? Ah, thank you so much". I was barely focused on what I heard Johnny saying. I was forced out of my dazed state when my head was suddenly moved a bit.

I opened my eyes, quickly sitting up straight when I realized I was sleeping on Johnny's shoulder. "Oh, now you wake up. The food cart went by with food, but you refused to get up so I went ahead and ordered you something".

I'm glad he didn't mention anything about how I was sleeping on him, I guess he didn't mind. I thanked him for getting me the food, I've never been a picky eater so I just went ahead and dug in immediately.

For airplane food it was pretty good, I mean it's better than whatever I could make. Well, I can't make much. if it's not microwavable I will set it on fire somehow.

"So is Collingwood your actual destination? Or are you going to go to a nearby town?" I went to speak but stopped myself when I realized I probably should talk with my mouth full. I quickly swallowed my mouth full of food before answering.

"I'm actually going to take a cab to Tobermory once we arrive in Collingwood". Johnny suddenly set his chopsticks down and looked at me.

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