chapter four

345 21 19

Marks pov

I felt myself begin to wake up as I felt sunlight hit my face. I instinctively began to curl up, trying to hide from the light.

I absolutely hated getting up early. I valued sleep more than really anything else. I was forced out of my peaceful sleep though when suddenly my covers were pulled off me.

I quickly shielded my eyes with my arm, flipping to lay on my stomach.
"Ah get up you stubborn boy!" Why must she be so loud?

I lifted my head a little and opened my eyes. I quickly shut them though once light hit them. "How did you ever get to school on time?"

I finally opened my eyes again, flipping myself back over. "Whenever I woke up for school it was still dark."

My grandmother shook her head. "If you had to get up so early every day why are you suddenly sleeping in till noon?" Simple, the only thing that got me to wake up so early was my phone alarm.

And for obvious reasons, I didn't set an alarm. I got up from my bed, ignoring my grandma's onslaught of questions asking why I'm so lazy.

"Now go shower, I need to go to the store and I want company". I wasn't going to refuse that of course. I would love to see what the town here is like.

From what Johnny has said it seems pretty peaceful which honestly sounds nice. Life in Korea is always so fast-paced and hectic, so the change would be refreshing.


"Let's head to the coffee shop first, you look dead". I looked around the densely packed forest we were driving through. We weren't even driving on an actual road, it's was just a dirt path.

Once we hit the actual road I could see a town in the distance. The place wasn't super modern, but it wasn't like something from the 1800s. I kept looking around as we drove, trees soon being replaced by buildings.

It wasn't long before we were surrounded completely by small buildings. My grandma pulled into a small parking lot in front of a building.

"Oh, it's literally called 'the coffee shop'". My grandma nodded as she stopped the car's engine. "I told you we were going to the coffee shop".

I got out of the car once grandma opened her door. I walked in front of the car, scanning the area. There were only four cars in the parking lot counting my grandma's.

It is a little later in the day so I guess most people have already gotten their coffee. I went towards the front door of the place, holding it open for my grandma.

I walked in behind her. My eyes went wide when I saw a familiar back at the counter. I sped past my grandma to go up to the large male.

"Yah!" I gently pushed Johnny as I shouted, hoping to scare him. He only flinched a little before turning to look at me. He looked confused for a moment before he broke into a big smile.

"Mark!" I could feel myself relax as Johnny pulled me into a bear hug.
"I wasn't expecting to see you so soon Johnny." I haven't even had the chance to text him yet.

"Well most days you can find me here, I swear I basically live at this place."
Johnny motioned around the room.
I looked around the cozy interior of the shop.

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