chapter twenty-five

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Marks pov

"Get up" I desperately tried escaping the hands trying to shake me awake. "Hey get back here!" My eyes shot open when I was easily pulled across the bed. I quickly sat up and glared at Johnny.

"If your trying to look scary it's not working." I kept eye contact with Johnny as I held my hand up and thought about electricity. My hand quickly lit up with shock waves. And I kept glaring.

"I'm really proud that you can control your power, but I know you won't hurt me. Now get up so we can eat breakfast." The mention of breakfast is what got me out of bed. Alternate dimension food is always amazing.

Once I got out of bed Johnny immediately tried to pick me up. I quickly ran away from him though. I could hear him following close behind me. Once I got to the staircase I quickly started speed walking down them.

"NO RUNNING DOWN STAIRCASES." Once Johnny yelled that I stopped. I turned to look behind me. I was halfway down the stairs while he was at the top. "Running down a staircase is dangerous, you can run when you get to the bottom."

I've been stabbed twice and can control electricity. But the line is drawn at running downstairs. Fair enough I guess. I started walking down the stairs at a normal pace, Johnny still a good distance behind me. Once I was off the stairs I booked it towards the kitchen.

Johnny was once again hot on my trail. Once I got near the table I saw Jaehyun and Doyoung sat together. I tried to stop but because of my socks I went sliding. I fell hard onto my back, my head hitting the floor hard.

Immediately everyone was rushing over to me. I swear everyone I've met this summer is way too protective. "You okay baby?" The pain was gone pretty fast, I mean I've experienced much worse.

"Get me an ice pack"


"God it feels good to be back" once Johnny and I finished breakfast we headed home. "What should we do while we wait for stuff to start opening?"

Oh right, it's like 3AM. I looked around Johnny's room. "Well we could just talk for a bit. I mean the coffee shop opens at what? 5? That's only a two hour wait.

I went over to Johnny's bed and flopped onto it. Johnny got on the other side of the bed and flopped down next to me. "So how's your grandma?"

I don't see her often since we're constantly doing things, but she always seems pretty good. "She's doing alright, how about your family?"

I immediately regretted that question when Johnny spoke. "Well my only live family member is Jaehyun, and last time I checked he's doing alright."
I sometimes forget those two are all they have blood relation wise.

"How's your entire family doing? Not just your grandma." Well I don't really talk to my parents at the moment. I haven't tried talking to them, and they haven't tried talking to me. I guess they're too busy being mad at each other to really care about me.

"Mark? You alright." I looked over at Johnny, he looked a little blurry. I was starting to cry. Johnny sat up and pulled me up so I was leaning against him. He tightly wrapped an arm around me as we leaned back against his pillows.

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