chapter twenty-nine

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Johnny's pov

I groaned as I heard my alarm going off. I slowly sat up and almost broke my alarm clock as I hit the button on the top of it. I was so tempted to go back to bed when I saw it was three in the morning.

Why the hell did I set an alarm so early?

Fuck, the airport! I quickly got up when I realized today was the day me and Mark leave. I showered last night so I just need to get dressed and do my hair, or maybe just put a hat on.

I'm going to be on a plane all day with Mark, I should try to look decent. No hat Today. Now should I wear a button-up? Maybe some kind of Blazer...

You know what? It's too early to put together some elaborate outfit. I just grabbed a random pair of white pants I never wear and a blue long sleeve. Since I actually come here a lot I have  a whole wardrobe here. I still packed some clothing but I didn't have to pack a lot.

I usually just pack so I can switch up my different wardrobes. I went into my bathroom and immediately stripped off the clothes I slept in. I quickly got the pants and shirt on.

Should I tuck the shirt in? Yeah probably. I went ahead and loosely tucked my shirt in. Great, now I have to do my hair. I grabbed my brush and a random hair product. I have like twenty and trust me, they all do the same thing.

My company loves giving us random products during holidays and special events. I'm not complaining though, a lot of the products are really good. Its probably the same stuff the idols use.

Once I finished up my hair I left my bathroom. I quickly walked around my house to make sure everything was off. Once I was sure everything was off I grabbed my bag and left.

I would kill for a coffee, but sadly the coffee shop doesn't open till five. Probably at some point on the way to the airport I can pick something up. Sadly nothing beats small town coffee.
I think Starbucks is good, but it's no match for the coffee shop here.

It was awhile before I got to Marks place. I mean he's in the middle of nowhere it's a decent drive. When I got there I called him. I didn't want to risk waking up his grandma. I value my life.

"Sweetheart I'm out front alright?" I was confused when I heard what sounded like bedsheets moving around. "Hmm?" I am going to beat this child if he's only just woken up.

"Baby you ready to go?" I heard a soft yawn come from Marks end. He definitely just woke up. "Baby come downstairs and let me in". I've styled Idols in less than ten minutes, I can get Mark ready in five.

"Oh, okay." I got out my car and went up to the front door. After a minute it opened, revealing a half asleep Mark. He quickly moved out the doorway and let me inside.

"Come on, I've gotta get you ready."  He made a small confused sound but still followed me upstairs. I'm glad he didn't question me. we really have no time to waste. Once we got to the bathroom I made him sit on the toilet. "What are you doing?" I rolled my eyes as I grabbed some random bottle that looked like Mousse. "committing tax evasion. What does it look like I'm doing?" 

Mark seemed to wake up more as I ran product through his hair. "shouldn't I get dressed first?" I'm so mad I didn't think to actually dress him first. "To late." I'll just have to style it again after he gets his shirt on. I grabbed a hairdryer and brush off the counter and got to work. His hair was pretty easy to style. 

well its probably easy to style since its actually pretty healthy. Its so hard to style idols damaged hair. "turn your head to the left, no my left." I sighed as I moved marks head with my hand. I fixed a few strands that were out of place. I'm not sure why I'm even being so meticulous, he's just going to mess it up in a minute. 

"go get dressed." Mark whined as he stood up. I rolled my eyes at his behavior. "Do I need to help you get dressed as well?"  I was answered fairly quickly as Mark slammed his door shut. Guess he's not a Three AM kind of person. I mean most people probably aren't. 

After a few minutes of waiting Mark Finally came back into the bathroom. I looked his outfit up and down. "I swear if you make any kind of negative comment I'll have my seat on the plane changed." I wasn't going to say anything bad, I just wanted to make some suggestions. You know what? I'm still making my suggestions. 

"You should tuck you shirt in and cuff your jeans." Mark looked down at his outfit. He shrugged as he started tucking his shirt in. As he did that I got down on one knee and started cuffing his jeans for him. 

When I stood back up I started messing with his shirt. "I thought we were in a Hurry?" Well we are, but I cant help the fact I've went into full stylest mode. I even instinctively gave Mark a pat on the shoulder when I was done. I always do that when I'm done styling an idol. Unless its a female, I just tell them I'm done. 

"A lot of the roads well be taking are rural, I can speed a little." I swear I'm usually more responsible than this. 



The trip to the airport was definitely interesting. Mark was eventually fully awake so we got to talk a lot. He mostly just told me about school. He seems really nervous about his senior year. I mean I was as well when I was his age. My senior year was a mess, I wont tell him that though. I don't want to get him even more worried. 

I'm sure he'll have a great year. I mean at least he doesn't have to deal with any kind of racism. That was a huge problem back in Chicago. Well that's a problem for a lot of asians in any kind of American school. Couldn't go a day without someone making some dumb remark. 

Really people shouldn't have bullied me over the fact I was korean, They should have bullied me for that weird shaggy haircut I had. Or really any haircut I had. I am so glad I developed a fashion sense. I cant imagine anyone at that school could say the same now. 

"Are we almost there yet?" I was silent as I waited for mark to realize he was the one with the Gps pulled up on his phone. all he has to do is look down at his phone. "Wait." That took him way to long. Now he's going to feel even dumber if he looks to his left and sees the airport. "oh, we're here." 

yeah I'm surprised he didn't notice that a few minutes ago. that boy can be real oblivious sometimes. "Shoot, I should text my mom." I honestly forget about his parents all the time.
I honestly thought I was going to be the one driving him home in Korea.

"How's she been?" Mark was silent for a moment, still typing out a text to her. He responded when he finished. "She's been busy, says when I get home they'll be a surprise." Well that's... Good?

I wasn't sure what to say to that. I sighed as I parked in the long term parking lot. "So you want to try leading the way? Or would you rather hold my hand?" Mark rolled his eyes as he got out my car.

He can act upset all he wants, I know once we get inside he's going to grab my hand. And I'm completely fine with that. I don't mind leading Mark through the airport.

"It feels like it's been so long, yet so recently we've been here." Marks right. This has been the shortest longest vacation ever. I mean we had some extra days because the time difference in the seasons kingdom.

But also we had normal days in the hybrid world. And then the days we didn't do anything. Time has just been really weird this summer. We've done so much, so why are we so sad to leave? We spent our summer time we'll. 

I smiled as I felt Mark grab my hand when we went inside. I tried to hold back any 'I told you so' remarks. I couldn't help but smile as I led Mark through the airport.

He may be a forced to be reckoned with in other dimensions, but here? Well here he's just anxious little Mark.
I guess your attitude changes a lot when your suddenly not a God anymore.

"Mark you're trying to walk behind me."


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