chapter seven

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Marks pov (A few days later)

I sighed as I slipped on Taeyong's winter coat. Johnny has completely refused to tell me about how he knew Taeyong, so I was going to find out for myself what's going on.

I swear right before I could step into the mirror I heard my phone ringing. I walked out of my room and went over to my dresser.

I picked up the phone and answered it when I saw Johnny's name.

"Mark, what are you up to?" He sounded so concerned. "Just chilling in my room?"

I could hear Johnny sigh. "Just chilling? Nothing else?" I gave him a quick yes. The way Johnny was acting was really confusing me.

"Is something wrong johnny?" He was suddenly silent. I was honestly a little mad that he was hiding things from me. If he wouldn't give me answers I would find them myself.

"Johnny I'm going to ask you this one more time, how do you know Taeyong? If you don't tell me I'm going to go find out myself." Johnny seemed interested in talking again once I said that.

"Mark don't go to the winter kingdom, I have a really bad feeling about you going there." So he does know about the other world.

"You can't stop me Johnny, I'm leaving." I hung up are call. Immediately Johnny started trying to call me. I just set my phone down and went back into my closet.

I ran into my mirror without much thought. I quickly swam up as I was submerged in water. It was hard to swim in this large jacket but a current seemed to help me reach the surface.

I carefully pulled myself out of the icy pond and looked around. The walk to the winter kingdom was pretty far but I could manage. I remember the way back so that won't be an issue, the problem would probably be getting someone to let me into the castle.

After I walked for what felt like an hour I was getting close to the winter kingdom. I stopped walking when I noticed something happening outside the kingdom's gates.

I started running forward, trying to see what all the commotion was. Once I got closer it was pretty easy to tell what was happening.

There was a full-on medieval battle going on between winter kingdom soldiers and what looked like fall soldiers. Once I got really close I found cover behind a large tree.

I couldn't help but watch the brutal bloodbath in front of me. People had on simple chainmail armor, everyone had some type of sword. It was absolutely horrifying to watch the bloodbath. 

I guess this is why Johnny didn't want me to come to visit Taeyong. I looked around, spotting more fall soldiers coming from the forest.

The winter soldiers were so focused on there current battle that they didn't seem to notice the new soldier's coming. I couldn't just stand and watch them get ambushed.

"THEY'RE BRINGING REINFORCEMENTS!" the winter soldiers finally looked up to see the large crowd of fall soldiers closing in on them.

I could here a few winter soldiers yelling to fall back and retreat. My eyes went wide when a soldier started charging in my direction.

Me being the sane person I am I started running. I needed to get back to the pond. I ran through the forest as fast as I could.

This guy didn't seem to want to give up his chase. all could do is pray that I was either faster or had better stamina than this guy.

It seemed like luck wasn't on my side. I gasped as I suddenly tripped over a large tree root. I desperately to get back up but I was kicked down.

My body went into shock as something large suddenly pierced through my back and stomach. Pain, that's all I could feel. 

That's all my mind could focus on, the pain. It took me a few seconds to realize what had happened. Once the initial shock started to settle I started screaming.

There was a sword being stabbed into me, and I was completely awake to completely feel it. I couldn't stop screaming from the pain. I was forced to feel every bit of pain it caused. 

Why haven't I died yet? Why couldn't this guy just hurry and finish me off? I let out an even louder scream when the large object was suddenly and roughly yanked out of me. 

I barely even noticed the pain of a kick that was landed on my side. The large stab wound was the only thing I could think about. "Stupid fucking kid".

I buried my face in the snow below me as I had to bear with the pain I was in. Maybe if I was lucky the cold would numb my pain. Or better yet maybe I could hurry up and just bleed out.

I could hear the guy who had stabbed me start to walk away. This son of a bitch was really just going to leave me to bleed out.

I lifted my head up a little and used what little energy I had to yell. "FINISH ME YOU BASTARD". He didn't stop.

I somehow found the strength to roll myself into my back, the only thing fueling me now was anger. I was in excruciating pain, and he was just going to leave me to slowly die.  

I weakly lifted myself up using one of my arms I weakly raised my other hand.

"FINISH ME, YOU FUCKING COWARD". I'm not even sure what happened next. I felt an odd tingling sensation run through my body.

I passed out before I could see what I had done. All I remember is seeing a sudden flash of thunder and a lightning bolt.

Johnny's pov

I frantically ran around the snowy forest trying to find Mark. I swear my abilities are a blessing and a curse. I knew Mark was in danger but I had no clue where he was.

I stopped and tried thinking of Mark. I needed to figure out where he was. I shut my eyes as I tried to focus. I gasped when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

I quickly opened my eyes again. "Jesus Christ he's injured". I started running faster towards the winter kingdom. I could see the entrance of the kingdom coming into view.

I was relieved and absolutely horrified when I spotted Mark. He was laying on his back, blood soaking his jacket and the snow around him. 

I ran up to him. As I got closer to him I noticed the trees around him had these weird charred patterns burned into them.

I didn't focus on those though. I dropped to my knees next to Mark. I grabbed marks hand and checked for some kind of pulse. I frantically started feeling his neck when I couldn't feel anything on his wrist.

"baby no." I took off his large coat and lifted up his shirt. the sight was horrifying. he had a large sword wound that looked like it was going straight through him. 

I stripped off my coat and basically ripped my shirt off my body. it was freezing but all that mattered now was Mark. I tore the shirt so it was long enough to tightly wrap around his torso. 

I don't think he's going to survive this, he's lost so much blood, his stomach is probably torn in two. But I won't give up just yet. this world is full of all sorts of magic, surely something could save this poor boy. 

I gently lifted the boy up and into my arms so I was carrying him bridal style. 

"I've got you mark, you'll be okay baby."

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