chapter eight

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Marks pov

I felt nothing. It was as though as I was just floating in pure nothing. Is this the afterlife? Nothing.

I tried to move but I couldn't feel my limbs. It was like I was just a floating consciousness. All I could do was just think.

I really regret not listening to Johnny. Did he know I was going to die? That's depressing to think about.

He probably knew I was going to die and just had to sit back as I foolishly ran straight into danger.

I don't want to think anymore. It's horrible being left with my own thoughts.

I tried silencing my thoughts but the sound of pure silence could drive me mad. I felt comfort though when I could hear soft whispering.

As it got louder I could make out what the voice was saying.

"Wake up...

     ...please Mark"

I gasped when suddenly I could feel everything again. My limbs, dull pain in my stomach I was aware of everything once again. 

I opened my eyes, immediately seeing Johnny. The pain I was in was enough proof that I was somehow alive. 

I'm actually alive. I could see the shock on Johnny's face as I stared up at him. I didn't care about anything anymore, all I cared about was hugging Johnny.

I quickly sat up and pulled Johnny down to hug me. I quickly felt tears forming in my eyes. I sobbed into Johnny's chest as he held me.

"Your safe, I've got you". I melted against Johnny as he spoke. I didn't care how long Johnny and I were hugging, I didn't want to let him go.

I was forced to let go though when I suddenly heard Taeyong. "Oh thank God he's okay".

I left the safety of Johnny's embrace to look at Taeyong. It was obvious he was relieved to see me awake. Honestly, I'm relieved to be awake.

"How did you survive a sword straight through the stomach?" I could feel my hands start to shake as I was seemingly pulled right back into the exact moment everything happened. 

I didn't want to be thinking about what I went through. The blood, the pain. Just thinking of it had even more tears falling from my eyes. 

a whimper forced its way out from my mouth as the memory forced its way into my head. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I didn't even notice how badly I was starting to hyperventilate till Johnny wrapped his arms back around me.

"Shh, it's okay Mark, just focus on me. Where are you right now?" The sudden question confused me, I wasn't sure where I was.

"Y-your a-arms?" Johnny started running a hand up and down my back. "Can you tell me something you can feel?" I looked at Johnny through my blurry vision. I shakily lifted my hand and gently gripped Johnny's shirt.

"Your s-shirt". I was able to start evening out my breathing as Johnny kept talking. The memories in my head slowly fading away as I focused on Johnny.

"What can you see?" I looked at Johnny. He looked so caring as he tried to calm me down.

"Y-you". Johnny pulled me back against his chest as he hugged me. "That's right, just calm down. You're not being hurt. You're safe. no one is hurting you."

I closed my eyes as I leaned against Johnny. I just focused on him. "Could you please lay down? I need to make sure your okay."

I didn't question Johnny as I let go of him. I layed on my back and let him examine me.

I blushed a little when I felt Johnny start lifting my shirt up. "Taeyong... Come over here a sec?"

Taeyong walked over and looked down at me. I wasn't sure how to feel as I watched his eyes go wide. I felt Johnny's hand on my stomach.

I couldn't help but sit up after he spoke. "There's no scar or any sign that anything happened to you. hell, the stitches are gone too."
I lifted up my shirt a little and looked at my completely smooth stomach.

That was really messing with my mind. It all felt so real... So where's the nasty scare? 

Hell, actually how am I alive? People don't just survive being stabbed like that. I shuddered as the memory of that happening played through my head again.

"I guess he has some kind of regeneration ability in this world."
I didn't completely understand what Johnny had just said.

"Ability?" Johnny slightly ruffled my hair before explaining. "All people with the ability to dimension hop usually have an ability in different dimensions."

I honestly didn't feel like thinking much about that statement but I was curious. "Can we have abilities in are world?"Johnny shook his head.

"No. Well, at least I know you can't. I keep my future sight in every dimension no matter what." Future sight? So he must have known everything that was going to happen today.

"My future sight is great and horrible at the same time. I can see horrible events but only in dreams and sometimes things get cut off or are unclear." I can see that that could be really bad.

"I saw you running in the winter Forest, and my dream cut out with your screaming and thunder." Wait thunder? I don't remember it snowing or anything.

"I don't remember hearing thunder?" Johnny just shrugged. "Let's stop thinking about what happened. We should get you home, you shouldn't be out here right now."

I wasn't going to argue with Johnny. I didn't want to deal with any more traumatic events. "Guys I don't think it's possible to get out of here, the front gate is still being swarmed by fall soldiers."

Johnny and I both looked over to Taeyong. The thought of going near fall soldiers was enough to make me grip onto Johnny again. I subconsciously cuddled against the large male for some kind of comfort. 

"Jesus, will you guys be able to fight them off?" Taeyong was silent. I could see the defeat in his eyes as he was thinking.

"I've completely failed my kingdom Johnny, they've completely overwhelmed my troops." I slowly started getting up. Johnny let me go and took a step away from me to give me space.

I walked over to Taeyong and pulled him into a hug. I wasn't sure what to tell him, I don't think there is much I can tell him.

We just stayed silent as we hugged. Taeyong didn't seem to want to let me go. "Thank you." I slightly smiled as Taeyong suddenly thanked me.

"What are you thanking me for?" Taeyong finally let me go. "For just... Being here."

I swear I almost jumped out of my own skin when the door suddenly slammed open.

"Taeyong the troops are surrendering, the Fall king has requested your presence at the town center."

Taeyong tensed as Ten barraged in and spoke. 

"Grab some of the royal guards please".

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