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the feeling was numb.

it was silent.

everything was red and frozen for one second before everything around him went dark.

chan even failed to at least register the pain that went through his body when he got shot in his shoulder. the man he was trying to shoot didn't get hurt, though, because his aim was too shaky.

he was too blinded by his anger to even realize what he was doing.

he got killed, and even worse, he almost killed a human.

what would jeongin think of him now?

after all, he was the reason why chan went overboard. it was because those men decided to take jeongin as hostage and make him suffer in the car. why didn't he use the weapons given to him as well? those questions lingered in chan's mind along with cruel thoughts mixed into his head as well.

it was too noisy. the sounds that were ringing loudly in his head. the irritating buzzing of anger that flowed through his mind endlessly.

but the noise dimmed out, as he felt a painless bullet strike him near his shoulder. as he fell to the ground, unable to move. the shouting of his friends went silent and the buzzing stops.

the feeling was numb.

it was very silent.


"chan!" changbin screamed as the unconscious boy fell down, remaining expressionless compared to his wrath earlier when he first saw jeongin trapped in the car.

because of chan's anger, it caused him to pounce on those men and even attempted to shoot one of them. due to the shakiness of his hands and uncontrollable temper, he failed to hit the man in a crucial spot, and instead being the one to get hit in his shoulder blades. based on changbin's research, it wasn't deadly unless he loses a large amount of blood, but looking at the older, he noticed that there wasn't to much blood to even consider it as dangerous. it looked like the bullet didn't hit deep enough or was too fragile to damage a body part.

"hey, guy who was holding this gun," the actor calls out, holding up the gun chan took from one of the men. "is this yours?" he asked.

"no, it isn't. we took it from the little boy who's in the car along with the other weapon. oh, and it was not our intention to hurt anybody. we just took his weapons so we won't get harmed. the reason why we crowded around this area was to question the people who owned this car, and use the guy as a threat. the guy that was shot decided to press us, so we had nothing to do about it but to fight. sorry." the man explained, picking up chan and started placing medical equipment on his injured shoulder. some of the other men picked up jisung and placed ointments to make his burns heal quicker. as for hyunjin, who was also laid on the ground, they took him and let him drink water, since he was barely conscious and was the least injured between the three.

changbin, who was filled with curiosity, decided to take a look at the stray bullet that was fired by chan before going unconscious. he observed and realized that it was a small bullet that was used especially for hunting animals, so it can be deadly on humans.

"did you remove the bullet that you used to hit chan with?" the actor asked, and the men in suits nodded and handed it over to him so he can observe it.

the bullet was slightly larger, but still relatively small. it was the type of bullet used in gun training so that it wouldn't cause too much damage on a human being, but enough to leave an impact in their minds. it wasn't dangerous at all, because he used it for training once before for a commercial shoot. in fact, it was one of the least harmful bullets in seoul that someone can find.

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