Authors Note

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Hey everyone!!

I know it's been a while- well, a long time since I've honestly looked at this book. I published it not knowing what was going to happen but now I have requests for updates and more readers than I could have thought. But, this book is officially on hiatus. For the time being, I am making new plans for this book.

But to be honest, I've lost a lot of confidence in myself, especially in the past year. I've had depression for a year now, and my anxiety is at the worst it's ever been. I actually put a lot of myself into Nicky, with the depression and anxiety and body image issues. But, I also had a crappy boyfriend, who would ignore me for days on end and left me wondering if I did something wrong or if he was cheating on me. He left me feeling worthless and I think it reflected in my writing sometimes.

But, anyways, this isn't supposed to be some sob story, I am here to inform you guys that, as well as the rest of my fan fics, my books are all on hiatus for the time being. I will be publishing a new one, completely of my design to turkey see if I'm actually good at this or if I'm just wasting my time. So keep your eyes out for new activity from me, and give me your genuine opinions!

Have no fear though!! Once I have more confidence , I will come back edit through this mess of a book!!

Until then, thank you, and I love all of my readers and followers! If you are having difficulties, talk to me! I've been there! Let's connect and work through life!

Adieu! :)

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