|🍋 "Tits man"| husband joseph x reader

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Hi! This is my first official oneshot, I hope it's up to par haha- joesph is my second favorite joestar right below jotaro❤️ so please enjoy and feel free to request))

Joseph joestar, a simple man to say the least..he was very charismatic and had a very usual tendency to flirt with everyone. But you were special to him, you guys met while he was in New York- you two started to date after his many failed attempts at asking you, you finally did it for him and since then it's been pretty great. But unfortunately- shortly after he went off to an island to do some training, you were skeptical but trusted him nonetheless

He then told you he'd be going away fro awhile, and that as soon as he came back he'd purpose to you and you two would get married. Well that's exactly what happened

Your wedding was pretty magical, he looked stunning in a tusk and his best man ceaser looked pretty dashing as well. Of course he
had no problem flirting with you infront of all your guest ;)

10 years later
You and Joseph couldn't be happier together. After his mission of defeating the pillar men he came back a new man, really gentleman like and honestly very polite. But still he was a huge flirt, tonight was the 10 year anniversary for you two as married- and right now you were cooking up a special dinner for him while he was away on some business. He worked for the speed wagon foundation and was constantly busy with papers and such. While you chopped Vegetables in your apron and black silky dress for the evening, while also having some lingerie for later ;) you quickly plated the dinner and awaited for your husband.

" (y/n)! Baby I'm home..I brought so-" he said as he stumbled into the door, he sentence cutting off by the breathtaking dress you were in "Jojo!..you made it home just in time I just finished haha" you chuckled at his perfect timing as you forgot to take off the apron "oop! Sorry- do you like it?..I was saving it just fo- mmmhp!"

Suddenly your breathe was now taken away as your husband dropped all his work stuff just to grab you by your slender waist and kiss you full on. Your cleavage pressing against his chest did not go unnoticed either "mmmmwa!..I'm sorry to cut you off sweetness but I just couldn't hold it in any longer- you look beautiful (y/n)..my beautiful wife" he giggled jokingly at you while rubbing both your noses- you couldn't help but blush at your goofy man..he was so caring yet so funny. But he started to get handsy his right hand took a firm grip to your ass while his kisses trialed down your neck "alright big boy let's eat dinner first!..and then you can have dessert~" you said seductively which only made him want you more "fine fine but cover up those gorgeous tits for me honey!, I can't concerate when thier popping out like that"

He smirked knowing his comment made you blush. As you two sat down you blatantly disregarded your husbands request and let your beautiful double D's be on full desplay in that dress, as you took each bite your chest would move a little and totally captivate the man infront of you "Jojo?..what are you looking at" you tried not to giggle knowing full well what he was looking at.

"N-nothing honey..this food is amazing, nothing like the dog food you usually cook-" that earned him a kick under the table and a glare from you "hey I'd like to see you do better everyday!" You said while clearly offended by his comment about your cooking, lower his chances of getting even a glimps of you naked tonight "no no baby! I'm sorry please I beg of mercy" he joked while taking another bite and adding a "mmm!" To the mix

About thirty minutes of you guys talking and finished up dinner you were washing the dirty plates since you didn't wanna do them later, till you felt a pair of big, strong hand envelope both your full breast from behind "j-Joseph!.." you squirmed knowing the man behind this. Letting the plate in your hand slide back into the sink as he continued to massage them through the silky cloth "what~ you were showing them off earlier baby..no wonder I'm gonna grab them..so full..so jiggly" he chuckled while taking both your tits and jiggling them- that's when you snapped and let out a chuckled of your own as you turned around and smiled

"Your a tits man aren't you mr.joestar~" you whispered to him as he wrapped his hands around your waist "you know me don't you (y/n)" he picked you up and proceeded to carry you to your shared bedroom which wasn't clean but really who cares, he laid you down and proceeded to kiss you with passion and lust. Basically you two were eating each others face off before he pulled away leaving the strap of your dress falling and you breathless "you said it was time for dessert yeah~? Well I'm about to dig in" you knew what he meant by that. You obliged and laid down on your back- he did the honors of taking that dress off to reveal a full set of black lingerie

"Oh women..how did I deserve you~ come here you sexy thing!" You giggled and his dorkiness while he took off his suit and pants along with it. Kneeling down infront of the bed he slipped the panties off of your set and laid them down, proceeding to dip down into your heat and basically eat you like it was his last meal

You moan a loud and shocking moan as you reached down to grip his soft, brown hair- his tongue flicked around your clit as he basically buried himself inside your pussy. After a few hot minutes and a few hot orgasms Joseph lifted up and took in sight your beautiful tits in that tight, restricting bra "oh wow~ don't mind if I do" you chucked "Jojo~ you've seen them before..why are you acting so surprised" you questioned still breathess from your last orgasm

"Because every time I see them..it's like the first time baby~ I can't get enough" he roughly ripped the set off of you while wasting no time and taking your nipples into his mouth, while he fondled your breast his boner grew and grew before your body's just synced, you opened your legs and he adjusted..he's your husband so it's not like it was the first time. Of course you had sex almost 4 times a week. But tonight was special

"Mmm~ I'm gonna fuck you (y/n)..you ready to feel my harmon overdrive?" He asked while laying a quick spark from said harmon to your nipple. You simply moaned in response giving him his answer while he slid inside of your heat with his 7 in cock, you flinched slightly but got used to the feeling as he wasted not time to start to pleasure you and him

"Oh yeah baby!..ahhh~ take it..shit" he was very vocal during love making, especially when you had been teasing him for so long. He proceeded to put one hand to squeeze your breast while the other held your hip for support and he went close to your neck "you feeling good babygirl..yeah~ you like your husband pounding you" you nodded in response unable to make up words as he went faster, a couple more minutes and you both came in unison, him out of breathe and you with a flushed expression.

He flipped beside you and continued to pant while pulling your naked body beside his own and leaning over to face you "how was that my beutiful, sexy wife of 10 years" you yawned in response while smiling "very nice my husband~ of 10 years" he stretched and noticed the handprint on one of your breast. It suddenly turned him on and he felt his boner growing again "how about uh..we don't stop the fun here ay?"

You rolled over with your face against his chest while you simply mumbled,

"I'm hungry.."

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