|🍈 "study me!"| Jotaro kujo x clingy reader

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"Yare Yare daze..(y/n) I'm trying to do something" your boyfriend, jotaro kujo complained as he tried shaking you off his arm and returning back to his studies on wild ocean animals. He had gotten really interested in the ocean lately and you couldn't figure out why- but you supported him in whatever he was interested, unless it was another girl of course. But right now you wanted him to stop looking at orcas and whales and just give you a kiss! Or at least look at you.

"Jojoooo..jotaro!..you've been studying that ocean book all day!, I wanna be studied to!" You said while crawling into his lap and looking up at him like a needy puppy. Right now you two were in his house- his mother was out buying groceries and running arens and you were just chilling with jotaro in one of his few T-shirts' and shorts "please!..just one minute Jojo I promise" you kept nagging him as your voice soon grew annoying to the teen

"Damnit bitch can you just shut the fuck up!!..I'm clearly busy-!" He snapped at you, which is something that was rare- yeah he would be rude and snarky but never like this. You heard pure annoyance and rage coming from him..you sat up from his lap knowing you pushed to far you felt rather bad. He looked back at his book and continued to do what he was doing as you walked into the kitchen..

With an expression of sadness on your face you fixed a quiet snack. Putting everything back where you found it you sat at the table and ate what you fixed- looking down the hallway and seeing him still reading "jerk.." you mumbled under your breathe while crossing your legs up in the chair. Once you were finished you were about to head back to jotaros room before you saw he wasn't at his station anymore..you looked around and couldn't find him anywhere, did he leave?, is he hiding-? All of this you wondered while walking to his room- sliding the door open you noticed he wasn't there either.

You decided to text him to find out what the hell was going on, you shot him a text only for him to read it and not respond. That's was it- you groaned in anger and repeadlty slammed your phone against the bed..after your fit you plopped on your back and sighed "why is he so distant?..I love him I do, but god he's so hard headed" You spoke to yourself while sighting

About 30 minutes later you were about to go back home since it was fairly late. You were still wearing his shirt because by law a boyfriends clothing items are automatically owned by the girlfriend (jk) but anyway you slung you're bag over your shoulder only to be stopped by a tall figure infront of the sliding door " (y/n).." you looked up at him with a scowl as you raised a brow in unsatisfaction "what, I'm gonna go my mom wants me home before 9" you said cold toward him

He sighed "well I deserve that..but here before you go" he pulled out a single rose bouquet from the store and a bag of (f/c) "I..I know I snapped at you earlier- and I know that's why your angry..but I'm..i-I guess I'm sorry or whatever just forgive me so I don't have this burden of guilt!" He said while clenching at the bag. You simply placed your hand on top of the items and leaned up on your tippy toes to place a sweet kiss to his lips, it turned passionate rather quickly as you cupped his strong jaw and he dropped the items while wrapping his strong arms around your waist

"Alright..then I guess I forgive you Jojo~ only if you do one thing for me though" you smirked as he raised his eyebrow "sure..what do you want?"

"Study me~"

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