| 🌦💔 "It never mattered"| Blind kakyoin x reader

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This shit, is sad- but I know I was gonna do the second part to the last head canon but I just HAD- to do this plot cause it's so freakin sweet. Also shout out to Simp_Police Again for being the first to comment and vote on my oneshots! Thanks bro 💞💞💞

Kakyoins pov

I've never seen her...

I don't know her hair color...

Her eye color..

Her clothes...

I don't know any of it. But still I love her so much. Her laugh I could get drunk off of, her personality is so full and relatable. She makes me laugh even in my darkest times. She tells me I'm so handsome. It breaks my heart I can't give her a compliment like that.

She tells me that compared to other girls she's not all that. But I tell her that she's got those girls beat in personality ten fold and it's true!

I've been blind ever since we got back from Egypt. Our speed wagon foundation helicopter that was supposed to take us home crashed and we were stranded- until she came to help us.

And that's when I fell in love. After fixing our helicopter she became really close to polnereff and Joseph who begged jotaro to let her come back with us to Japan. Since she was heading there herself.

The more we talked the more I fell deep, and hard. There's just something about her I can't get enough of.

I wish I could give her the satisfaction of saying that I have the most beutiful girlfriend out there- but honestly.....I don't know-


Suddenly I hear and angelic voice from behind me and immediately know it's my (y/n) "hey love..where did you go?" I ask since she left not to long ago- which led to my trail of thoughts.

"Hm? Oh I just went to the restroom is all. I told you I was going?"

I smiled and moved my hand around to seek hers. And firmly grasped it once I had it "I must've forgotten then- sorry (y/n)"

She simply shrugged it off while laughing that adorable laugh "it's not that big of a deal baby I promise I-" I cut her off by my next words

"No (y/n)..I'm sorry that I can't see you...I'm sorry that I can't kiss you whenever I want. I'm sorry that I can't make love to your body the way you want me to, I'm sorry I can't brag on your stunning appearance..you deserve all those things and more"

I could feel her sniffling, and hear as well..she simply brought me into a hug and uttered four simple words I'll never forget "it never mattered kakyoin..." those words alone made me cherish the women in my arms..no matter how she may look or could look I know her heart is beautiful..

And that's all I need

3 months later

I woke up to a bright white substance covering my eyes. Wait- where am I? Suddenly it all came back to me. I'm in the hospital for my eye surgery- the doctors said there was a low chance of it coming out successful. But I was so determined to see that I went with it. (Y/n) by my side of course during the whole process- her last words before I fell asleep were

"I'll see you when you wake up..."

Hopefully I can also return the favor. As I heard voices I sat up, the white bandage still covering my eyes so I didn't know what was happening


I felt my mothers embrace as she hugged me, jotaros voice and polnareffs as well. But thier was once voice I was searching for "(y/n)..are you there baby?"

I felt a soft hand graze upon my own. "Yes kakyoin I'm here, you've been asleep for 3 days" I could hear the tears in her voice as the doctor came in not allowing me to respond

"yes you've been out for some time. But your results came back and I'm pleased to tell you mr. kakyoin to remove your blindfold"

My heart stopped. This determines wether I get to see the love of my life. Or spend the rest of it in eternal darkness, only satisfied with her voice and voice alone. Only satisfied by hearing her say "I do.." , Only satisfied by the voices of my future children..

As I reached back and untied the not it was only bright, as my eyes adjusted and I blinked rapidly I started to make out shapes....then colors..then textures- until before I knew it I was staring at the hospital wall.

I looked around "jotaro...polnareff...Advol, Joseph" I called out the names of the people I was seeing "mom..dad.." the tears I was holding back so they wouldn't blur my vision for the most important person of all..


Her (h/c) complimented her (s/c) skin..her eyes shine like thousands of stars. Her lips as red and plump and cherries. She was just as I pictured.


"K-kakyoin...can you see m-me?" Her cute little voice said as she reached up to cup my face her smile was as bright as I could have ever imagined I almost went blind again from her beauty alone "I can see you.."

I spoke to her as he exchanged a passionate kiss. One that we had been longing for. Once I pulled away I could tell something was on her mind "what is it baby?" I asked out of concern

"Am I...everything you imagined?..everything you wanted- your not disappointed are you?"

Those words caught me by suprise. Of course she was everything I could have ever dreamed for, hoped for. I could already tell she was beutiful before I ever took these bandages off. But instead of explaining all of that I just soflty smiled down at her and spoke four words that changed my heart awhile ago.

"It never mattered (y/n)..."

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