| 🌥 "my cherry"| kakyoin Noriaki x reader

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Kakyoin noriaki, a student at your school who not only shared your love in cherries but also shared your love in general. He laughed whenever you joked, he cried whenever you were sad, heck he even sneezed when you did. Jk not really but still you two were so compatible even jotaro had to admit it was cute..and that guy doesn't even talk that much.

Right now kakyoin was underneath a cherry blossom tree. It was just in the middle of spring so those trees were errupting soft, pink petals all over the place. It was truly a romantic sight..his large curl hung over his head as he sketched the lake infront of him- kakyoin always liked to draw- his friend jotaro thought it was girly but you truly admired him being creative. You decided to suprise him with a bowl of fresh cherries from his favorite stand down Tokyo alley.

You fixed your scarf around your neck and walked down the steep hill to where kakyoin was sitting. At first he didn't notice you but once you sat down his eyes caught the fruit in your lap "oh, hello (y/n)- San..I see you brought me a treat" you nodded feeling pretty excited to share those delectable goodies with your boyfriend

"Yep!..I got them from that stand you l-" he cut you off with a chuckle, you raised a brow thinking what was so funny before he stuck his pencil in the loops of his binder and eyed you "I'm not talking about those..I'm talking about these" he said leaning closer placing his pale pink lips into yours for a soft kiss. It was short but sweet. Your cheeks popped out as you blushed underneath the sunset that illuminated your boyfriends beautiful red hair. "K-k..kakyoin!..what made you-" you said clearly flustered by his actions as he just let out another soft laugh

"You had some cherry juice on your lips my love..and can't I just kiss my girl when I please?" He said teasingly returning to his drawing as you sat underneath the tree. Looking out at the lake before you. You and kakyoin talked about countless things and he kept doing that tongue thing with every cherry you gave him which not only made you blush but made you think sexy thoughts in the back of your mind. Soon, kakyoin was done with his drawing and was packing up his things getting ready to leave

"Kakyoin!..we haven't finished the cherries yet- I don't want them to go to waste" you complained while staying in your sitting position "hm..well I'll eat the rest with you- if you promise to feed me" he asked while sitting back down. You complied with the request since this isn't the first time you've fed your boyfriend- this boy was a lazy fuck when it came to picking up a single chip.

You fed him numerous ones and each time he'd take the put and swirl it around on his tongue and you'd hit him on the shoulder for being such a flirt in public. But this one you were about to give him he gave you a joking look, one that you knew he was up to something "hold it up higher and drop it in my mouth-" he asked as you cringed "but baby..you could choke?.." he shook his head "my hierophant green will catch it before I choke don't worry" he chuckled- you yourself had a stand but it was very weak and in no shape to fight, your stand was (s/n) it was red and black and had the power to liquify anything- but you could only make it liquid for 1 minute and only do one thing at a time.

"If you say so, ready?" You held it up over his head as you let go of the juicy fruit- he quickly snatched it in his mouth as he started rolling it on his tongue-you started to laugh a little and noticed some juice had spilt on the corner of his mouth "hey, you a little something.." although what you didn't know was that your flirty boyfriend planned this from the beginning as you were about to wipe it off with your thumb to do him a favor but instead he grabbed your arm and pulled you closer to his face causing the cherries to spill over and roll down the hill "kakyoin the cherries!" You gasped turning your attention to them only for him to gently tilt your head back to him

"You are my cherry.." he kissed you right there. You were a little confused but nonetheless complied with the kiss "what does that even mean love?" You asked after it was over

"Well..your sweet...you get red when lick you, and when I squeeze you all types of juices come out" you sat there in silence for a second before snorting laughing and pushing your boyfriends face away- him also laughing at himself

"Your such a dork kakyoin.."

"Yeah but you love me don't you.."

"Of course I do..I just wish you didn't spill my cherries"

"Well good thing I have mine right here~" he kissed your cheek repeatedly

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