Chapter 1 How the hell...?

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Left the Normandy Hackett needed me else where so here I am after hearing the Normandy was destroyed and Shepherd killed in action. In Illum where I'm taking a spy out who is trying assassinate Liara.

      I got to a bar as I did my best to fit in with red jacket and shorter shorts. Taking a drink to see my target a human man. Easy target.
I took a table with him with my drink in hand. "What brings you here?" I asked. "Just looking for someone..." he kept to himself. "For who a pretty girl...if so I'll drink with you." I smiled. "Sadly not with you an Asari I have a meeting with her for my boss." I smirked. Bingo. "What a shame I'll keep you company till she's here." He smiles to that and we drink till a light blue Asari showed up. Liara T'soni.
    "What is Kal I'm busy woman." She didn't recognize me yet. "Actually I'm sorry sweetheart but you know too much." I aim my pistol and shot him in the chest. "Too bad for you boy I knew who you were too." I put away my gun as Liara aim her weapon at me. 
    "Liara you know better then aim weapons at friends." I smiled as she looked at me. "Y-y/n?" She asked. "The one and only." She engulfed me into a hug. "I missed you too."
After that incident. she showed me her small apartment that felt comfortable for me. "Now Y/n you seem to have knowledge on things that haven't happened or heard of yet but you already know it. Answer me this and I'll help you get your biotics down." I looked at her and nodded. "Is commender shepherd alive?" I bit my lip. "Yes he is. What year is it?" "2184" "he's at a Cerberus facility to be brought back to life after a year he will return to recruit a new crew." She nods with a smile on her face. "Well then can you help me later time?" I smiled and share a glass with her for rest of day.

After 10 months Liara called me for help she needed from me. I inform Hackett I'll be gone for a bit he approves as I hurry to Illum.

"Y/n this is the man your looking for." She handed me a data pad with a human male on it. Black hair and scars. "This man needs to be killed but first learn of what he knows about the shadow broker." I do know about him but Liara thought it was best we save my knowledge for more needed situations. "Yes ma'am. I'll have transport ready in 10 minutes to omega and here some credits to get your ticket home." I smiled and left her office.
I waited till transport was ready. Wonder if I'll meet Garrus again.

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