Chapter 9 Loyalty

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   We set foot on inside this place man it feels weird actually being here. Shepherd talks to lady and she says to stop Geth infiltration. "Geth don't infiltration." I giggle a little. "You should leave your personal synthetic assistant at home. They're now allowed on public shuttles anymore." She told us. "Geth don't intentionally infiltrate." We left and get scanned while Legion got dirty looks I'll be sure shut something down if they try push the Geth around.
We make it to Presidium to see Anderson watching the edge. "Anderson I have favor to ask." Shepherd started with. "I think you owe a few of those." He turns around to see Legion and I. "If it's about getting the Geth Spectre status it ain't happening." Shepherd chuckles and shook his head. "Actually it about the mission I failed." I told him. "Y/n Hackett told me left to help Shepherd while he was with Cerberus." I nodded. "I did...sadly I know the consequences." Anderson nods knowing well what it is. "That mission by the way is still up but they moved corses and we need to act they already installed an amp in her as far as we know."  Anderson hands Shepherd a file. "This is where it's located hurry commander." He nods as we bid farewell.

    Shepherd had Garrus and Jack but this was my mission! "Shepherd your taking me with you." I told him as we walked to shuttle. "Your injured you'll be dragging and this is mission needed to do now." I cruse as he tried to walk on to the shuttle. "You have me fucked up take me I won't be in the way I won't use my gun just let me come please." Jack butts in. "She's fine Shepherd worse comes worse we can have her help plus it's handling some low life thugs it's easy." Shepherd sighs and reluctantly agrees. "Fine just don't get more hurt then what you are."
That was his finally note.

       We landed on a planet mostly of forest not much water or sand...but we already bump into the base already.
      We snuck inside after taking some thugs out and made it to holding cages to see the long h/c (not yours.)  and e/c eyes that stare in fear. The thugs go the cage and grab her out of it. "No please I'm tired! Let me go!" She cried as they took her away.
     She looks familiar to me...this is weird. We got the courtyard where they have her in this bubble. "What are they going?" Shepherd asked. "There trying to make her break the force field with her biotics." Jack answered. "They did it to me it's strengthens your stamina and hold fast you can cool down." This is sick. Garrus looks at me as he know I'm about to kick their ass. "Let's act now commander." He nods and opens fire. "Y/n get the girl." I nodded and jump down while using my biotics to cover my fall.

    Land on the ground which hurt a bit I took cover. "[name]" put a field around us. They turn off that bubble and made her make a field. "I'm tired." The man smack her across the face as it was my boiling point.

     "Don't touch!" I raise a crate and smack it into the man. Crushing him alive. "Who are you?!" One of them cried. "Your worse damn nightmare!" I lift him in the air and flung him away from her.

    I rush to the girl and check her vitals. "Hey I'm Y/n it's going to be okay.." her eyes widen and jumped on me. "Sissy!" She cried. There's no family died a long time ago. "I think your mistaken." I pull her away. "Your Y/n Blaze and my name is [name] Blaze." This is crazy...some kind of mind trick or lie... "are we related..." [name] seem very sure we were. "Come we need to get the Normandy and head to earth." Shepherd told me as we finally met up again. "Yeah I'm coming." I picked up [name]. "Let's get out of here."

       Doctor did a blood test for me and I'm waiting for results now. "Y/n. We arrived at earth." Shepherd told me. Just when Doc came in. "Y/n the test are two are related." As shocked as it sounds it makes sense. My family would pop back up again some how like recreation or doesn't make sense I thought my sister died maybe I'm not her sister.

   "Sissy." S/n held my hand as we left the Normandy.
We got to street where she lives. I knock on the red door waiting for maybe a hope. The door opens to reveal someone familiar but I don't know them. "[Name]! Your here! Oh my god she's home! C/n she's home!"  "Oh Justin!" Then it hits me. "Justin..." He looks at me in disbelief. "Great Aunt Y/n..." I shook my head. "Oh your not my brother.." he shakes his head. "No sadly sorry but I'm Justin Jr The II." He let me come in to see the house. But after a long while of meeting and greeting [name] got me confused with their daughter who passed away recently. But I they weren't my family not actually plus I can't close I left the home and went back to the Normandy.
    "Well was it fun?" Garrus asked me. "No it was just sad to relive those memories." I walk pass him to my room. Worst loyalty mission but it's done and she's safe. It's completed.

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