Chapter 2 Rease

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Your armor^^^

I got off transport and had a few looks but I left it. Walk into afterlife as I scan for Aria.
I walked up stairs to be stopped by a Batarian. "Hold still please." I stood there and eyed the person. "Your clear." "Yes what do I owe the pleasure to." "Y/n Blaze and I was wondering if you know a Rease?" She chuckles and looks at me. "An eclipse merc yes I know him what you need?" "Him dead but I don't know where to look." "Could always look for archangel he somewhere around here he may have a better way of finding him." I nodded and got up. "One more thing one rule in omega." "Don't fuck with Aria yes I know and don't worry I wouldn't dream of it." Look kinda baffled but didn't say much.

I walked out of afterlife to see blue armored turian. "This is getting to easy. Garrus you know better then anyone."

I carefully tailed him to an alley as he stopped in the middle of it. "I know your following me."
     The raspy voice like in the game. He turned around to see only me in my blood red armor. "Archangel?" He nods and holds a pistol to me. He quickly put it down to see my hazel eyes. "Y-y/n..." He didn't hesitate to run up to me and took off his helmet to hug me. "Garrus..." I softly said.
"I thought you were gone...Shepherd is dead he didn't make and the Normandy..." I hush him. "I know but I'm alive and well." I hugged him tighter as we cleaned ourselves up and Garrus put his helment back on.
  "...looking for a merc eclipse? Named Rease." I told him why I'm here.

"I know him next hit job was where I was heading."  "Mind if accompany you?" He chuckles. "You can join me."

We stopped at a door as Garrus stood in front of me. "When this door opens be ready their is a squad above this door. I pulled my Mattock out and placed a inferno bullets on. "Ready when you are." He nods and door opens as the mercs look at us. "It's Archangel! Who's the human!" "I don't care kill them!" Rease took cover behind his desk. "Angle don't kill Rease I need him alive for a few minutes." His helmet was still on but I can tell he was amused by how much I need this guy alive. "You got it Blaze." I fired at a few mercs when a heavy Mech came out. "Heavy mech coming in!" "How did they even fit it in this place!" I stood up and thought let's this biotic thing out again. I raised my arm, as my hand curl into a fist. I held the mech in place. "This might burn!" As I squeeze my hand tighter. Brought my hand down as it was crushed under the weight. "Nice one!" Angel looked at me. "If course it was nice!" I vaulted out of cover and took out the last merc.
     "Now Rease we have unfinished business." He hid behind his desk. I active my biotics and toss the desk to the side. "Look I don't know what you want!" I grabbed him by his armor and stared into his brown eyes. "Where's the shadow broker?" He shook his head. "Don't know what you're talking about!" I groan and heard angel chuckle. "Look if you need credits here!" He gave me 3000 credits great. "Where is he?" "Look I can't say he'll kill me!"

He pleaded. "Blaze is someone you might want to fear then the Broker at this moment."
Angel backed me up. "I-I-I he's hasn't told me where he is but he looking a Asari and Shepherds remains for his business."
I grit my teeth and tossed him to the side. "My job here is down." I pulled out M-11 suppressor and shot him. "Thank you Angel I appreciate the help." He remove his helmet and looked at me. The blue face paint this is. "Call me Garrus Y/n feels weird you call me that." I smiled. "Okay Gar Gar." She chuckles. "No never call me that again." I laugh as he hugs me. "You should join my team...I need someone like you." I smiled. "I have to get back to Illum for now...maybe later if you need me call me." He nods as broke the hug and part our ways.

Took next shuttle home and headed back to Liara.
She won't be happy but it's all I got.

I walked into Liaras office and she seemed happy see me return. "Well what did you find?" "Garrus and that shadow broker wants you dead but he's after shepherd as well." She nods. "Nothing really damn and I thought he be reliable source. He's dead?" I nodded. "And you found Garrus Vakarian didn't think he be on omega of all things." She nods. "Get some rest and we will get back to biotic training." "Yes ma'am."

Left the to my apartment and saw my Omni tool blink.
Hopefully this found you I scanned your Omni tool before you ran off. Quite the skill you learn.
Anyways keep my name on the hush hush and next time your on omega I'll get us some drinks.


Very sweet maybe next time when I head back.

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