Chapter 8 Legion

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So after all the shit of recruiting Thane, Samara, and Tail! It finally came to my favorite character Legion! Don't get me wrong I love all these characters but legion was very special to me. Sadly no romance but he's a Geth you can't even romance a robot.
   Well Jeff and EDI do hmm no no!
It was Tail and I with Shepherd on this base.
Now a lot of fighting these fucking Husk! Hate those things and sicons suck too! This was the way to recruit Legion.
    We fought through hell till the door locked us out when we're overwhelmed. "Y/n get that door!" I nodded and brought up my Omni-tool. Typed a few commends and messed with it. Hearing the beep knowing it was unlock was a relief.
"Go go!" I yelled. Tail and Shepherd got through and I barely slipped in. Shit to close. Still I don't even know what happens if I die in here maybe die die!

    We look around the area and I looked    up see Legion in the cat walk. It shot the one the behind me and Tali. "Shit!" I jumped forward. Tali, and Shepherd look to see Legion. "Shepherd-Commander! Y/n Blaze!" He said my name? That's different! He never acknowledged the party besides Shepherd. "Le...Geth wow." I was in disbelief I didn't see this...this is new.

We fought through hell to get this last part Remember how times I die here. Finally made it to door. It was open and we made our way through the door, while grabbing the Reaper IFF.
Legion was hacking the terminal and rushing as he killed the few Husk. "Come on we have help him." "Him?" Talk asked." "Uh well You'll see."
      She nods confused but keeps going. Legion turns around to rush over but the husk knocks him out. "Shit!" "Y/n handle the orb thing! We'll cover you!" I nodded and got to the terminal. Wow we can always overload it. I tapped a few things to see a timer. "Shepherd we have 5 minutes!" I set the timer and we look at Legion. "What do we do with it?" "Leave it!" "Like you said Tail no has ever found an intact Geth!" I nod in agreement. "Shepherd take him trust me." Shepherd looks at Tali and I.

    " Y/n you cover and Tail help me with this." I pulled at my Mattock and we rush to the Normandy. "Hurry!" I took shots. The Sicon got in the way. Shit! Tail slips and drops Legion as he floats toward the hoard. "Damnit! It's different!" I muttered. I grabbed Legions arm and yank him back to Shepherd but too slow. Sicon fires at me and my shields fail. "Shields down!" I yell.
Husk smacked me pretty hard.
I collapsed to my knees...well shit Legion your going to kill me.

     Felt a harsh pull on my arm. "Keep moving y/n!" Shepherd yelled. He picked me and gave tossed me into the Normandy. Hit the wall but Tail held me up. Saw Shepherd got on board safely.
"Ah fuck!" I wince. "You risked your life for a Geth!" "That Geth will be very useful as a ally in the future." Tali shook her head but didn't fight me on it.
I was escorted to Med-bay shortly after.

"Only a broken 3 ribs should be fine before the mission but no more till 2 weeks of rest." doc told me. I nodded and Shepherd looked at me. "Don't make risk like that Liara and Garrus will kill me." I got off the bed and saw Shepherd look at the AI core. I look at the door. Feels unreal how I met everyone.
    "Want to wake him up? He said your name too." I nodded and Shepherd led me inside the room. This shield was around Legion. I wave the Omni-tool over the shield and he stood up to look at us. The N7 armor from the hole. "Shepherd-Commander and Y/n Blaze." He spoke. "How do you know our names." "We know of Shepherd- Commander  and Y/n Blaze." "Because I kill a lot of Geth and her?" "She is earthborn and strong biotic, great with hacking and has the ability to tell the future before it happens as we have learned."
   I nodded to let him know he was right. "Your correct..." weird. We spoke to Legion and got to know him better. Soon Shepherd took the shield down and asked him his name. "We are Geth." "Who is the individual in front of me." "Geth." Shepherd groans. "Legion may be suitable as it means we are many." "Legion was your name and I already knew." Legion scanned me. "As it seems you do. But the scan says your troubled."
    I shook my head. "I need to be going thank you for your time Legion, Commander." I left the room and head to crew bunkers and laid in my bed. So tired. My back is aching.

Then it hit me. I don't even have a loyalty mission. I need to get a mission or else I'll die. I think I know what I want.
I look at my Omni-tool and send message to Chambers that I want talk to Shepherd.

    After a few minutes of waiting the doors open to see the Shepherd. "Commander." I stood up. "Kelly said you wanted to see me." I nodded and brought a file up on ship load on base I found my finish on my own. "What's this?" "It's an old refugee camp and it was a mission I failed because my team mate died. I need your help there was a 9 year girl kidnapped to be biotic's common in this area but I was suppose to grab the girl and bring her back to earth to her family." Shepherd look very determined to help the girl.
    "Okay load the coordinates to map and we will get there."

     Unexpectedly Legion walks in. "Y/n Blaze." I look at him kinda confused. "Yes Legion." Werid how he calls me by my full name. "We were wondering since you knowledge of the future if you would destroy the heretics?" His loyalty mission is coming. "I Legion I would originally did rewrite them but in the future you said it was mistake. So destroy them would be the best." His metal plates raise as he thinks? "We would like you accompany the mission when I talk to shepherd Commander." I cross my arms on my chest under my breast. "Legion I'm not suited to fight after risking my ass to save you." I told him. "We understand but we ask you this why did you save us being Geth." I wonder if I'll end up in their database.

    "Because Legion all Geth aren't bad...and hopefully if we play our cards right their will be peace for the Quarians and the Geth...I've seen the answer and it is possible." He again raises his metal plates over his eye? Uh light thingy? "You believe this?" "I do...because I did it in and we won this war." I said in complete honesty. "We will respect Y/n Blaze wishes." I breathe in relief and shook my head. "Legion just call me Y/n." He nods then leaves the room but not without saying. "Thank you for input Y/n."
    I lay back in my bed as I heard on the intercom
with Shepherd calling Legion and I to citadel.
This will be funny.
Even more hilarious Shep took Legion on Tali's loyalty mission. Pretty funny. Legion told me the first time he was worried that Shepherd couldn't back him up.

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