Chapter 7 joining the crew

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I woke cuffed to a pole. "Great...more of this." I look to see thing ugly fucking alien. "Ah!" He looked over at me. "Y/n Christine Blaze glad you see your awake." I scan my area and looks like the shadow brokers room and nearly kicked my ass a few times. "You have price on your head but tell me this. Do I defeat Shepherd and Dr. T'soni?" I shook my head. "No you don't..." "are you sure? You seem to have disrupt the way you got here? Also got target on your head." I roll my eyes. "Look keeping me cuffed to this pole won't do anything." "It's special cuff where you can't hack it or break it with your biotics." He warned. " point in fighting back Shepherd and Liara will get me out of this..."
just on cue broker for a call. "Kill them." He ordered. "Pfft you won't kill them." I poked fun. "Yet for all this knowledge you act like teenager." "I'm 28 thank you!" I scuff and saw the doors open. "Y/n!" I saw Garrus and Shepherd come in behind Liara.
They all aimed at the shadow broker. "Here for the Drell and the girl?" He crosses his hands. "Reckless, even for you Commander." Shepherd tighten his grip. "That bombing on Illium wasn't exactly subtle." He said. "Extremely, but necessary." "No it wasn't! Neither was caging Feron for two years! Or even kidnapping Y/n!" Liara snapped. She looked over at me. The look was reassuring. "Dr. T'soni. Your interference caused all this. Feron betrayed me when he handed Shepherds body. The Drell is simply paying for the price. Y/n was suppose to be taken after she woke up but archangel protected her, lucky I didn't push and let her stronger and more useful." I didn't hear about that part. "Someone was bound to come after you for working with the Collectors." Shepherd wasn't wrong he's the bad guy. "It was mutually beneficial partnership. Your arrival is convenient. The Collectors offer still stands." He threaten Shepherd. I yanked at my chain as I tried to get out. Garrus came over to help me but this instant pain fed through my body. "Agh! Stop Garrus!" I cried. "I wouldn't try that. She's connected electric liquid I heard it's bad for human blood." He threaten. "I'm sorry." I shook my head. "It's okay Garrus I didn't know he just told I couldn't get out of it." He backs away next to shepherd. "It's pretty hard to run a place this big with no crew." Shepherd told him. He killed his whole crew. "Their replaceable. Your arrival was barely an interruption. Enough talk. My operation is to critical to be compromised by a traitor." He told them. "Your quite confident for someone who has no where to run." Liars said in low voice kinda scared me. "You travel with fascinating companions Doctor. At least you brought archangel he still has a price on his head by the blue suns." I yanked against the chain. "It seem to touch a nerve." He mocked me. "Your not putting a hand on anyone!" Liara yelled. "It's pointless time challenge me Asari. I know your every secret while you fumble in the dark." I had one free hand. Fuck that hurt a lot last time. "Is that right? You're Yahg a pre-spaceflight species quarantined to their home world for massacring the councils first contact team. This base is older then your planets discovery. Which probably means you killed the original shadow broker sixty years ago then took over. I'm guessing you were taken from your world by a trophy hunter who wanted a slave...or a pet? How am I doing?" Liara smirks she got under his skin. Is that even skin?
I muffled my giggle as the Yahg got up and threw his desk at Garrus. "Garrus!" I yelled. I never felt so powerless.
Shepherd gun fell from his hand and thought it was time to get out of this thing. I yanked on the cuff as hard as I could. I could feel the pain but I didn't care I tried to get pass it. I'm not going to fall to this weakness that's what I hated I couldn't force myself to get in the way. I saw Shepherd get pin down and Liara look to me. This blast of blue aura push Liara, Shepherd and the broker away from me. "Holy shit I didn't think I can do that." "Interesting didn't think my training could take her so far." Liara spoke. The pipe drip the white and clear liquid that hurt me. "Y/n help us out here!" Shepherd tossed me a pistol and we got to work.
I took cover and shot at it as we tried to Melee attack thing. Liara looked over to us. "Bring it shields down and I'll handle the rest!" I nodded and I shot while Shepherd tango.
I got back into form trying to build up its strength. "Y/n!" Liara point at the glass and I shot it a few times. Liara raised her arms and brought the whole thing down. So badass! "Badass teacher ever." I told her.
The coms went off asking for the shadow broker. Asking for orders it was overwhelming. Liara went up to com and brought a window up and spoke into it. Liara...the new shadow broker. I may have played and seen this but it's different being here. She walked up to me and
pat my back and pulled me into a hug. "I'm just glad your safe." She smiled and look into my eyes. "That stuff got into your blood stream have Normandy doctor check on you when you get there." I smiled. "Your letting me join a possibility deadly job?" She broke the hug and looks me up and down. "I can't keep you safe all the time now it's your time to fly. Plus I did good training your biotics better then before too. Y/n May the goddess be with you."
   Feron burst into the room and seem in disbelief. "Your the new shadow broker." He seemed shocked.
"Y/n, Garrus head back to Normandy I'll brief when I'm back." I nodded and gave Liara one last hug. "If it makes you happy your the closest thing I can call a mom." Liars hugged me tighter. "And your the closet thing I call a daughter." We broke the hug and I follow Garrus off the new base and home to Liara.

I waiting in meeting room as Miranda watched me. Shepherd walk into the room and immediately Miranda told him what happened. "She's the shadow brokers right hand." "I'm not the right hand I used to work for Liara and I'm here now to join the crew." Shepherd looked at me. "I trust Y/n she was the best team mate. Plus she was my special adviser before so she's helpful as ever. Her confidence even help everyone stay on their feet. Y/n head to med-bay to get checked. And welcome to Normandy."
    I smiled and left the room. "Need help getting around Miss. Blaze." I shook my head. "Thank you EDI but I know where I'm heading and call me Y/n." "Very well Y/n." I step into the elevator and head to next floor of the crew quarters. I walked into the med bay to see Doctor Chakwas. "Doctor. Isn't it great to see you again." She smiled and stood up and scan me. "Seems you only be exposed for a short time not too long to have any real effect and still no amps? I'm glad your healthy and safe." I smiled as she gave me a warm smile. "No still none shocking as Liara and mostly the crew would put it." Doc stared at me but blinked. "Yes of course same you still glad to see you didn't change but by the reports you perform a massive amount of biotics...this still a first for me to have someone like you." I giggle. "Well I'm still special." She smiled and nods in agreement.
     I left the medbay to see Shepherd. "Hey sorry for Miranda she's just protective of what happens." "None taken I understand." Slightly...
"Welcome to the crew and make yourself at home please this is home for the while we are here." I nodded and shook his hand. "The pleasure is mine thank you for me having aboard again." Shepherd smiled then soon left.

     After that I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist as I spun around to see Garrus. "Oh my goddess you scared me!" He chuckles. "You are Liara's kid now! You say by the goddess too much." I love this dorky part of him. "What a flirt." He leans in closer. "I'm much more then that...hah uh." He got embarrassed which I giggle and push him back. "Hold it back Vakarian we have a mission once more." He chuckles and lets me go. "I'm going roam little before another mission." Garrus smiles and leaves to do calibrations in that gun again.
I'm part of this team again wow this is like a dream...well let's change this up! I'm hot and loaded!

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