Chapter 11 Suicide mission

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Now was the time. I made sure the engineering was stable with Kasumi. While we went through the Omega 4 relay. Felt worried but thankfully we upgraded her. "Hang tight!" We heard over the Inter com. I fell back and knock my head back on the floor pretty hard. Oow! Kasumi help me back up. "Thane! Y/n! to shuttle bay!" We heard. I grabbed my gear and head down to shuttle bay.
Thane and I grabbed cover while Shepherd followed us. I fired at it but it took notice and fired a beam which I took cover. Thank god I did but too close. "Careful!"  I heard Thane say. We fired at it more but then it left. "It's not gone..." I told them. The Normandy shifted while I fell back but luckily not get hurt Shepherd caught me in time. "Thanks Shep."

The thing came back. This time Shepherd took out the grenade launcher and fired at it. I threw a warp at it. Forgot this part. I felt a harsh shove while the thing exploded. "Thanks Thane." He help me up. "Be careful." He told me. Shepherd and I made a run to Joker to see the best part. I love this part.
We saw our old friend. "Easy.." Shepherd told Joker. We ease in and got closer. "Fire!" He ordered. Fired a shot at the ship. "Take you sons of bitches!" It fired at us but barely missed it. Then this part I hate. "Brace yourselves!" Joker Warned. I held on to wall as we crashed to side of the ship. "Everyone okay?" "Everyone is safe." EDI answered. "Ish." I finished. "Call a meeting Miranda." Shepherd looked at me. "Tell me this...since your able to we all live." "The crew will live...but us is up to choice I'll let you know at the last fight." He nods and we made our way back to briefing room. "We knew getting out wouldn't be easy. But we're here."

    EDI brought up a map to see the base. "Alright we can spilt up to keep them off balance then regroup here." Jacob said. "No good their lock on both sides." Miranda pointed out. "Well we can have someone go in tunnels and get us in that way. But they need to be able to hack." EDI said. "Sounds like a suicide I'll volunteer." Miranda laughs. "That's nice Jacob but you couldn't hack the door if your life depended on it. You need to choose someone who good with tech." Shepherd looks at me. Everyone looks at me. Wait! I may be small and good with tech no! "Y/n your good hacker and you know how reaper tech works so your the best bet." I gulp but nodded. "I won't let you down." I told him. "Alright I'll lead the other group." Miranda said. "Whoa cheerleader no one wants to take orders from you." Jack told her. "This isn't popularity test Shepherd who do you want to lead the fire team." Shepherd looks at Garrus. "Garrus your in charge." Then Shepherd looks at me. I gave him a thumbs up. He seem to relax as we looked to our leader.

    "I don't know what we're going to find in there but I won't lie. It's not going to be easy. We've lost good people may lose more. The Collectors attacked our ship. Took our crew our friends! They think we're helpless but their wrong they started a war but we're not here to finish it. We're here to make them regret to show them and everyone else what happens when you go to far. No more running and no more waiting! Let's hit them where they live!" I smiled what a speech.
"Be careful it would be lonely if you died." "Don't you die on me either Vakarian." He chuckles while I left the room.

    We all left the Normandy while I left by myself and got into tunnels.
It's hot in here! I feel bad sending Kasumi in this thing. "How are you Y/n?" "I'll live but it's hot in here." I told Shepherd.
I moved forward to see a block. Well something. "Hey I have problem! It's blocked." I told Shepherd while he ran up to terminal. He had Legion and Miranda with him. Legion access the terminal letting me go through. "Thanks Legion." "Acknowledged." He answered.

    We kept moving while Legion kept opening the valves. Glad I ain't down there. I got to last valve and Shepherds team seemed pinned down. "It's getting hot in here." I said. "Legion get to terminal we'll keep them off you." Shepherd said over the radio. Legion let me through.

    I rushed out of tunnel and got to fireteams door unlocking. Garrus and his team bolts in. I'm trying to shut this door. I felt Garrus yank me away from the terminal. "We'll cover you." He told me. I went to door where

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