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I ate today. Not much but I did. Thanks to michael anyways. We were sitting in the living room when he excused himself and ran into the kitchen.

I didnt know what he was doing. All I heard were cabinets slamming and things clinging and clanging and a light humming of Unpredictable. My favorite. You used to hum that song to me every night. I remember. It was a habit of  yours after a while. Always humming that same tune. I miss it. It was good to hear it again.

Michael ran out minutes later carrying two bowls of cereal. Without milk might I add. His excuse was "I dont know about you but I dont exatly like expired milk on my cereal." He laughed at his own remark and went on with eating while I sat smiling a little bit at the red haired boy next to me.

Yes luke. He died his hair again. He looks like elmo. It went from a faded green to a very.... vibrant? .... yes vibrant. Red.

When he showed me the new color I didnt exactly notice. Well I couldnt notice. He had a big scarf wrapped around his head. He'd called himself "lady michaelea" in some weird voice that I cant make.  When he finnally showed me his hair I could literally feel my eyes widen. He seemed so happy but I took it he didnt know. Id have to be the one to show him. " I looked him in the eyes finnally and asked him polietly to follow me to the bathroom. He looked at me strange commenting with "why? Ooh. Is this a booty call? I knew you wanted me." I rolled my eyes at his little remark and continued down the hall to the bathroom. When I walked in and flipped the light on I refused to see my reflection in the mirror. Instead I looked at michael. He looked shocked. His mouth opened and with a scream he yelled " MY DYE! ITS RUNNING DOWN MY FACE! OH NO! NO NO NO! FUCKING DEMENTED HAIR DYES! ITS GONNA BE FUCKING ORANGE! THIS IS GREAT!" I stood astonished by his out burst while trying not to giggle. This was in fact hilarious. I watched while he picked through his hair with his fingers. Still trying not to laugh

That was a few days ago. Two to be exact. We ate cereal yesterday. Like I said I didnt eat much but still ate. Michael was satisfied that. And I quote "Got food in that wittle bewwy wewwy". I had to at least giggle at him when he said it. It was quite funny. You would have laughed if you were here. If you were here...

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