The Demon Inside

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Louie stirred in his sleep. He moaned and groaned until he felt something touch his arm. It shook him continuously until Louie immediately sat up. His breathing increased and he began to whimper. Next to him, he saw Dewey.

The green triplet embraced Dewey into a tight hug. This startled Dewey. Though, as the older brother he was, he slowly hugged back.

"Are you okay?" Dewey asked concerned while loosening his grip around the youngest triplet. Louie wiped his tears away and nodded.

"C-Can I sleep with you?" Louie stuttered. Dewey looked to the floor for a minute and looked back at Louie. He gave a soft nod and the next thing Dewey knew, Louie was in the blue sheets of Dewey's bed. He nuzzled them softly. Dewey crawled next to him. He put his hand on Louie's head. Louie began to smile from the feeling. Though, his smile quickly faded as he was sucked back into the same nightmare.

It started with nothing but black surrounding him. Then, he felt the floor break beneath him. He fell and fell and fell. Then, he felt odd inside. His skin turned to a shadow and he began to plummet faster to the ground. Suddenly, his shadowy skin turned to a living shadow. It's glowing red eyes gave Louie chills as it stared at him. It then returned back inside of his body. Louie looked down and realized he was only a few feet off of the ground.

As he hit the ground, Louie woke up screaming. He panted and heavily breathed. Dewey was scared awake from Louie's scream along with Huey. Dewey quickly hugged the green triplet as Louie began to cry into his arm. Huey climbed down the ladder and joined the hug.

"Are you okay?" Huey comforted. Louie didn't answer. His tears choked him. By the sound of this, Huey hugged tighter.

"Shhhhh. It's okay. Dewey and I are here for you."

Huey looked up at Dewey who was also hugging Louie tightly while rubbing the green clad's back. By the sight of this, Huey bit his beak tightly. He was trying as hard as he could to not cry.

Louie loosened his grip. He looked down to his legs and wiped away his tears. Or, at least, he tried to. Though, his tears reformed quickly.

"It's okay." Huey comforted. He put his hand into Louie's open palm. "Everything will be alright."

It scared Louie that Huey was holding his hand. He didn't want his biggest secret to be revealed. But he didn't want to pull away because then they would know that something was going on.

"I don't want to be alone." Louie finally said while cradling his legs to his chest.

"Do you want to sleep with Dewey or I?" Huey asked. Louie couldn't choose. He wanted to be with both of his brothers.

"Both..." he muttered. Dewey put his hand on Louie's shoulder. Louie put his hand on top of Dewey's.

"Do you want us to sleep in your bed, Lou?" Dewey asked. Louie froze. He hadn't heard Dewey call him Lou in years. He didn't care though. He pushed the tears away from his eyes and nodded.

"Everything will be alright." Dewey comforted. Louie knew that what his brother had just said wasn't true.

The three brothers climbed down the ladder and climbed into the green triplet's bed. Huey got in, then Louie, then Dewey.

Louie sighed. He shut his eyes but tears ended up streaming down his face instead. He wiped them away. He laid motionless on his back and kept his eyes closed. He looked at the clock. It was already past midnight. He had woken up his brothers up at eleven!

'Time moves fast.' He thought. He shut his eyes again. Dewey's soft snoring caused him to get sleepy. But he couldn't seem to fall asleep.

He gripped Huey's hand tightly. Luckily it didn't wake him up. He inched his head closer to Dewey's and relaxed a bit. He shut his eyes for the tenth time. But this time, he saw red eyes staring at him behind his closed eyes. Then, they got further and further until a black figure was standing in front of Louie. It snickered at him.

Louie's eyes shot open. He slowly sat up, trying not to shake the bed. The green triplet looked at his hands. They had turned completely black. Louie gasped quietly.

He saw his shadow on the wall. It began to twist and turn, though, Louie was sitting still. Then, the shadow started to stare at Louie with its red, glowing eyes. Louie stared in fright.

"Huey! Dewey!" He tried to yell. But his voice was suddenly gone

"Shhh...Listen. I need you to do something for me."

Louie tried to talk but his voice was still gone.

"I can read your thoughts. Tell me through there."

'Why should I do anything for you?!'

"Because it's the only way you'll be free."

Louie was a bit confused.

'What do you mean it's the only way I'll be free?!'

"It's the only way you'll get me off your back. If you don't, I'll be in your body forever. Threatening you. Controlling you. You'll never have freedom again.

'Like I'll believe you! I'm telling Scrooge! He'll get you!'

"Like I said, I can control you. If you do, I'll come after you. You're gonna wish that you hadn't. Because you're my puppet."

The last part scared Louie. He looked up at the shadow with tears in the corner of his eyes.

'What do you want...'

The shadow smiled deeply by the sound of this.

"Get me Scrooge's dime. You know. His first dime."

Louie rolled his eyes.

'How cliché...'

"If you fail, then I will rule your life. Your brothers will hate you. Your mom will hate you. Your uncles will hate you. There will be nothing you can do. I'll be the only person you can come to. You really will be the evil triplet! No one will like you. Everyone will fear you! Everyone will hate you! And there will be no way to reverse it because you'll forever be my puppet!"

The shadow disappeared into Louie's body. Louie shook and trembled and cried. That's when he realized his voice was back. When he did, he shook his brothers awake, crying hard.

"Louie!" The two boys yelled. They embraced Louie into another tight hug. Louie had no clue what was happening. He just wanted his brothers at the moment.

"Did you have another nightmare?" Dewey asked concerned. Louie didn't know what to say.

'You can't tell them that you were talking to a shadow! They'll think your crazy and your life will be ruined!' Louie thought.

Louie just nodded. He then hugged the two boys and cried harder.

Huey and Dewey laid down and held Louie tightly. Louie just wanted his brothers and sleep. He shut his eyes and finally fell asleep. Unfortunately, nightmares continued to fill his head. Though, this time, he didn't wake up. He just wanted this night to be over with.

'They can never know...'


I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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