The Injury

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Later that day, Louie finally walked downstairs. He was afraid to face anyone after what had happened earlier that day.

When he walked into the kitchen, he saw Violet. She looked at him in anger, pushed his side hardly, and quickly walked into the living room. Louie looked down in shame.

"Hahaha that's what she gets!"

"Shut up."

"Make me!"

Louie didn't say anything. He just grabbed a few cans of pep and walked upstairs. Though, on his way up, he was stopped by Scrooge.

"I heard you yelled at one of the lasses, lad." He started. "You should probably apologize." Louie stuttered at first before saying:

"Oh... she's fine... she actually took it quite well!" He laughed nervously. Scrooge gave him an odd look before saying anything.

"Alright lad... if you say so..." Then, Scrooge began walking. Louie ran upstairs quickly and shut the bedroom door. He slid down it, realizing how hurt Violet was.

"You'll get over it!"

Louie was startled. He looked up and saw the shadow.

"By the way, I'm not so good at first impressions. So sorry about that. My name is Axel."

Louie looked up.


"So... have you gotten the dime yet?"

"Does it look like I have the dime?"

"You should have pounced on Scrooge and took the dime while you had the chance!"

"When did I have a chance?!"

"When he was talking to you about-

Axel gagged before saying


He then began to overreact about the word. Louie rolled his eyes.

"Dramatic..." he muttered. Axel stopped complaining and stared at Louie.

"What did you say?"


"Oh I heard something! Tell me!"

Axel pushed himself into Louie's body. Louie's skin turned to a shadow. Inside, he heard Axel yelling. Then his voice became deep.

"Tell me or I'm possessing you to tell your brothers that you hate them!"

"Fine! I said you were being dramatic! Happy?" Axel left Louie's body. As he did though, he hit Louie in the ribs. Louie let out a scream and fell to the ground. He held his chest in pain from where Axel had just hit him.

"Don't be such a baby! Grow up!"

That's when Louie heard someone running up the stairs. He was relieved. Though, when he looked back up at Axel, he was gone. Donald bursted through the door.

"Louie!" He yelled, running to his nephew's side. Louie stayed on the ground, holding his chest.

"What happened?" Donald asked. Louie looked up. He stared at his shadow that reflected on the wall. It didn't move. It didn't talk. It didn't have the horrifying glowing eyes. It was just an average shadow.

"I don't know..." Louie whispered. Donald held Louie close and picked him up.

"Come on." Donald said. "We have to get you to a hospital." Louie always feared the hospital. When he was younger, whenever someone injured themself, he always stayed close to the person that was in the hospital bed, fearing that they could die at any minute. He had never been the one injured though, so he feared that he would be the one to die soon.

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