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The next morning, the three boys woke up to Scrooge yelling at them.

"Wake up! It's five in the morning! We have to get to our next adventure!" Huey woke up and slowly stretched. Dewey yawned many times before opening his eyes. Louie, though, still hadn't woken up.

"Poor kid..." Huey said. "He's been up almost all night!" Huey gently shook him awake.

Louie opened his eyes slowly. Then he closed them again.

"Louie, wake up." Dewey groaned. "Come on! We're going on an adventure!" Louie didn't like the sound of that. He just wanted to stay home. Though, he didn't want to be alone with the shadow he had encountered last night.

Louie got out of his bed with his eyes barely open. He could barely stand. His feet then gave out on him. Though, Huey caught him as he fell.

"Wake up." Huey whispered. Though, Louie was out cold. No nightmares were in his head. He smiled softly. Huey noticed.

"Maybe we should let him sleep." Dewey suggested. Huey nodded in agreement. He laid Louie back into his bed and the two boys walked out of the room.

When the boys got downstairs, they saw Scrooge standing at the door, tapping his foot on the ground in anger.

"What the blazes are you two still doing in your pjs?! And where is your brother?" The two boys looked down to see what they were wearing. Dewey was in a long, blue t shirt and Huey was wearing a red, long sleeve shirt. They looked back up at their uncle.

"Louie was up all night. He kept on having nightmares. When we tried to wake him up, he fell back asleep and looked like he was having a good dream for once today." Huey explained. Scrooge growled.

"I don't care if he caught the plague!" Scrooge yelled.

He walked to the stairway and yelled up the stairs.

"Lad! This is your last warning! Wake up!"

Silence filled the room.

"Don't make me come up there!"

There was still silence.

"Uncle Scrooge. He seemed really tired. Maybe we could wait a little while before going on this adventure." Dewey stated. This shocked Scrooge.

He was surprised that Dewey was the one to say this. The triplet that loved adventure. The triplet that jumped head first into danger. The triplet that always put adventure before anything.

Scrooge slowly nodded and walked to his office.

"I can't believe how well he took that!" Dewey stated.


Later that day, Dewey walked into the bedroom. He saw Louie still asleep. Dewey walked over to the bed and slowly shook Louie awake. Louie didn't wake up though. Dewey continued to gently shake. Louie rolled over but still hadn't woken up. That's when Dewey noticed something odd on the back of his hand. It was a black mark. This startled Dewey. He began to shake Louie harder yet he still couldn't wake up. Louie's eyes then closed tighter. He gripped the sheets beneath him as he twisted and turned. Dewey began yelling his name in worry.

"Louie!" He yelled. His face showed worry as the green triplet began to groan loudly.

"Huey!!!" Dewey yelled down the stairwell. Dewey could hear Huey rushing up the stairs and fall halfway up. Though, it didn't keep him from reaching his younger brothers.

When he got to the bedroom door, he saw Dewey shaking the youngest triplet. Huey ran and grabbed Dewey.

"What's going on?" Huey asked, trying to stay calm.

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