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Huey and Dewey froze for a moment.

'Black blood?" They both thought. 'What could that mean?'

As Huey continued to think, Dewey tried to cut himself to see if he had black blood too. Huey grabbed Dewey's hand so he was unable to move it.

"I don't need both of my brothers in hospital beds!" Huey yelled. He looked back up at the doctor.

"Is the surgery done?" He asked. The doctor nodded.

"You can go in if you'd like."

Huey and Dewey crept into the room. They saw Louie laying motionless on the bed. They walked to his side and saw the black blood filling the IVs.

"Louie?" Dewey whispered. Louie slowly opened his eyes and stared weakly at his brothers. The pain in his body stilled.

"Huey? Dewey?" He stated weakly. Huey put his hand on Louie's forehead.

"Are you okay?" Huey asked. Louie shook his head.

"Any idea why your blood is black?" Louie's eyes shot open. He twisted his body over and saw the IV.

"How am I supposed to know?" Louie yelled. Though, as he said it, the pain in his body continued to strike through his body, causing Louie to yelp. Huey put his arms around Louie and slowly tried to cradle him, with Louie's body still laying on the bed. This caused Louie to relax a bit.

"Shh" Huey comforted. "It's okay..."

Louie lay motionless on the bed once more before saying "I want to go home. I don't like it here..." Huey felt a wave of tears strike him. He tried to hide it but it was nearly impossible. Louie noticed that Huey was crying. He wanted to hug the red triplet but it hurt to move. It hurt to talk. It even hurt to breathe. So he just lay silently in his spot in the bed while he watched Dewey try to calm Huey down.

Once Huey settled down, the red triplet got down on his knees and slowly lay his head down onto the bed. Louie put his hand into Huey's and they both cried together. Dewey stayed off to the side again and just stared. He wanted to join but he didn't want to get too emotional. So, he simply walked out of the room and avoided eye contact.

After a few minutes, the doctor walked back into the room.

"He's going to have to stay the night to heal." The doctor stated. Louie gripped Huey's hand tighter from the sound of this. Huey slowly rubbed Louie's hand to comfort him.

"It'll be okay." Huey whispered to the green triplet. "Dewey and I will be with you all night. Don't worry." Louie let out a small sigh before nodding to the doctor. Then, the doctor left.

While the day went on, Louie healed and was able to move freely again without anything hurting.

As the night sky casted shadows onto the wall, Louie moved closer to his brothers, embracing them tightly. He hated having to sleep in a place he's never been to. Since he had always feared hospitals, it was hard for him to adjust. It was also hard on him since he was the patient, meaning he had to fear for himself possibly dying overnight. He didn't want that at all. So he squeezed his older brothers hands tightly.

"Ay you're still awake?"

Louie looked up, startled.

"What do you want?"

"Get Scrooge's dime now! He's asleep so he won't notice a thing!"

Louie looked over at his Great Uncle. He had fallen asleep on a chair in the room.

Louie crept out of the bed, escaping his brothers grasp. He walked up to Scrooge and tried to get the dime from his neck. He wasn't risking to slip it over Scrooge's head so he tried to carefully yank at it. That's when he realized that the material of the necklace was too strong to just rip off. He had to find another way to get it off.

"The only thing that can cut through this material is diamond dagger. Good luck!"

And with that, Axel was gone.

"Great advise Axel!" Louie whispered harshly to himself. "Where am I going to find diamond dagger?" That's when something caught Louie's eye.

"A needle would work, right?"

Louie walked over to the IV and detached the needle from it. He crept back over to Scrooge and carefully stabbed the needle through the necklace. The dime then began to fall to the ground. Louie quickly caught it before it could hit the ground.


Louie grasped the dime tightly into his hand and carried it into the bed. He crawled in between Huey and Dewey and drifted off to sleep in an instant. Axel would be gone soon. He just had to wait for the lunar eclipse to occur. The only problem was that Louie didn't know when the next lunar eclipse was going to happen. He woke up immediately from this thought.

'I'm going to have to deal with this a lot longer, aren't I.' He whispered. 'Oh boy..."

Though, he brushed the thought out of his head and closed his eyes once more. When he fell asleep, he finally was able to have a good dream. It soothed his mind as he smiled softly in his sleep.

"Everything will be okay..." he told himself in his sleep. And this time, he knew that it was true.


Sorry I haven't posted a new chapter in a few days. I didn't know what to do with this chapter. I'm happy with the way it turned out though. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll post the new chapter hopefully soon.

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