Trust Me

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Louie stared at Axel in shock. He couldn't believe what Axel had turned out as. Axel looked like someone that a Louie knew but he wasn't quite sure who.

"Thanks Louie!"

Louie smiled at Axel. Axel turned around and began walking back in the direction they had come.

"Where are you going?"

"Oh, I'll be back in a minute. You stay right there."

Louie did as Axel told him and sat in the grass. He began to pick at the grass and break them into smaller pieces. He would break it into two and which ever one was larger, he would keep. He would throw the other one back to the ground. He would do this until the piece of grass was too small to pull apart anymore and grab a new piece.

He had done this to eleven pieces of grass until he finally sat up.

"Where is he?"

Louie got up and began to walk around the forest. He reached into his pocket and realized his phone wasn't in the hoodie pocket. Louie began to panic. That's when he realized he had left it on the table in the hospital.


Axel journeyed through the forest and found the hospital. He could see Scrooge beginning to worry through an open window. Axel could tell that Scrooge still hadn't noticed that his dime was gone.

Axel crept through the parking lot and ducked beneath a window sill. He listened to what the family was saying.

"The doctors said that they haven't seen Louie all morning." Scrooge stated with sadness in his voice. Dewey began to whimper. Huey noticed.

"W-Where could he b-be..." he stuttered as tears fell down the end of his beak once again. But he couldn't hold them back. It hurt Dewey to think about his brother being in danger, hurt, or even dead. Just from these thoughts, Dewey began to sob harder and louder. Huey hugged Dewey tightly from behind.

"I'm sure he's fine. He's Louie! You know how he is! He can talk his way out of anything!" This relieved Dewey just a bit.

"Well, as long as I have my lucky first dime we'll be-" Scrooge couldn't feel the dime around his neck. He couldn't feel the necklace either.

"Where's my blasted first dime?!" Scrooge checked the seat he had been sitting in. Then, he saw the punctured necklace on the floor. But his dime was gone. Scrooge gasped from the sight of it.

"Someone took my first dime!!" Scrooge yelled. "When I find who took it, I'm gonna-" Scrooge was cut off once again from a voice outside.

"Are you looking for this, Scroogey?"Axel was standing on the window sill with the dime in his grasp. Green smoke began to form around the dime, then around Scrooge. Wind began to blow past Scrooge. That's when it sucked Scrooge into the dime. Scrooge screamed loudly as it occurred. Huey, Dewey, Webby, Donald, and Della stared in fright.

Dewey began to notice the green amulet hanging on Axel's neck. The blue triplet recognized it. He had seen it laying on a dresser a few nights before. Dewey looked Axel in the eyes and his breathing became heavy.

"What did you do to Louie?!" Dewey yelled. Axel just gave Dewey a smirk.

"Louie? He works for me!

Axel said the last part deeply. Dewey ran to Della and hugged her side tightly. Della put her arm around Dewey's shoulders.

"Let him go!!" Huey yelled. Axel raised an eyebrow.

"He chose to work with me."

Huey felt his heart drop. Dewey hugged Della tighter as he felt his heart shatter.

"I don't believe you!" Huey yelled, except this time, he had fear in his voice.

"He said that you and Bluey think he's weak. He said that you two never listen to what he has to say."

Axel paused and looked up at the rest of the family.

"He said that he feels comfortable around me and that he felt good for once. He said that Della took the one thing he was good at away from him and told him that it was a bad thing to use."

Della's eyes widened as she tried to brush away tears. She held her chest and simply just listened to her heart beat. She felt ashamed.

"He told me that Webby gets mad at him for talking his way out of stuff. But you know what? That's a survival tip right there! And you just get mad at him for doing it!"

Webby looked down to her feet in shame. She struggled to hold her tears back so they just sped down her face and hit the floor.

"He told me that Scrooge doesn't care about family. He only cares about using them to get richer."

"That's not true you rambunctious freeloader!" Scrooge yelled. But he knew on the inside, that was partially true.

Huey and Dewey stared in fright, their hearts broken. They didn't want to believe Axel. But for some reason, they did.

Then, Axel disappeared into the darkness of the lunar eclipse, leaving the family in shock.

"I'm sure he's kidding, just to make us feel bad." Huey stated, still feeling heart broken.

"Y-Yeah..." Dewey stuttered. "B-But I believe him and I d-don't know why..." Dewey crossed his arms over his chest gently and looked to the ground.

"We should go now." Dewey whispered. Donald had second thoughts though.

"No! What if Louie comes back?!"

"I don't think he's coming back Uncle Donald. You heard that guy! Besides, we have to save Uncle Scrooge!" Huey yelled. Donald looked down.

"You're right."

With that, the family checked out of the hospital and drove to the mansion to devise a plan. Though, the ride home was silent.


"There you are! Where have you been?!" Louie yelled as Axel walked back into the forest. Louie has stayed in the same spot for over an hour.

"Sorry. I...met with a close friend. I didn't realize it would take so long."

Louie stared at Axel in anger but it quickly washed away.

"Okay. Now what?"

Axel was getting ready to show Scrooge in the dime. But then he realized that Louie would get suspicious. So he just stood in silence for a moment.

"Do you want to see something cool?"

Louie nodded.

Axel got on the ground and began waving his hands out in front of him. Louie sat on the opposite side of Axel. A wave of green steam slowly shot out of the ground. Then, Axel's hands began to electrocute. He grabbed Louie's arm, causing Louie to yelp. Louie began to electrocute too. His eyes turned completely green from the power of the amulet. Though, he didn't feel anything. Axel then let go.

"Are you okay?"

Louie tried to adjust his vision. He placed his hands on the ground to keep himself sitting up. Though, as he did, the ground turned to fire. But not just normal fire. Green fire.


The drawing at the very top is my own drawing. I took a lot longer than I should have making it but whatever. I'm sorry for leaving it at another cliffhanger but I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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