Chapter Three

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I wiped all of my tears and stood up to get the food. Apple and meat? She can kiss my ass. I huffed and rolled my eyes, me not eating only going to affect me and I need all of my strength because I'm going to get out of here, TONIGHT.

After I finished the apple, I threw it and hit one of the guards in the back of their heads.

He turned around,"Stop it."

All of a sudden I felt sleepy, oh shit! That bitch poisoned me!

Bella's POV

After about thirty minutes I walked down to the stairs knowing that Sam would be asleep.

I looked at the guards,"Take her to a room with a decent bed and bath while she's asleep. Hurry along, she can wake up any minute now."

They went into the cell to take her to the room and I went to the room in the castle that had all the donated clothes to grab her some. As I walked back to the only other room in the castle with a good bed and bath, I approached the guards standing outside her room again.

"She's awake my queen." One of them said.

The other one said,"It sound like she was taking a shower."

I nodded and stepped into the room and indeed she was in the bathroom taking a shower. I sat the clothes on the end of the bed and waited until she finished.

Five minutes later, the showers turned off and she stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her waist. The minute she saw my face she launched towards me, I quickly tried to grab my sword but it was no use, she had already punched me in the face.

Everything stopped as I held my face. That gave me enough time to punched her back in the face two times harder causing her to fall while bringing me down on top of her. She grabbed my neck and started to choke me. I immediately wrapped my hands around her neck applying the same pressure. I noticed her eyes changing, I was about to ask why until I realized she only had on a towel. My eyes shifted to her chest but I really couldn't see because of the blurred vision from losing too much air.

I started hitting her in the face, back to back blows until she finally let me go. I fell off of her and rolled to the side.


I stood up as I whipped my face.

"Get out."

I grabbed the shirt and pants and started to put them on. She stood up and walked out of the room. After about 30 minutes I walk to the door and opened it.

I looked at the guards,"I need to see the healer."

They looked at each other then grabbed me. We started walking downstairs to the healer, when we opened the door a little boy came out.

The healer looked up at me,"Well I hope she isn't back to start a fight."

She looked towards the guards,"You can wait outside, I'll call if I need anything."

They left out as I laid down on the bed.

"Let me guess, another fight?" She asked.

I grunted as she put alcohol on the bruises,"I'm okay."

"I really came down here so you can come to my room later on to get your present." I continued.

"Present for what? Me helping you or you hitting me?" She asked putting a band-aid on my head.

I closed my eyes and rubbed up and down her back,"You have to come to find out yourself."

She hesitated,"Okay."


I laid in the bed waiting, it was past midnight and Jasmine still haven't showed up. Maybe she couldn't come? Maybe that other woman wouldn't let her come?

The door opened but I couldn't see from all the darkness. The person came and laid beside me.

"Where is my present?" She asked.

I guided her hand towards my center. She laughed and started kissing my neck. I pushed her off me and got on top of her. I pulled her shirt off and latched myself on her nipples. While unbuttoning her pants, I started leaving marks all over her body.

She stopped me,"What about your family?"

I pushed myself off of her and laid down,"What do you mean? The guards killed my family."

She sigh,"The queen sent out some extra guards to find them so, I don't think their dead."

"Can we hold off on my present? Just too make sure." She said rubbing my face.

I nodded,"You're sleeping here tonight?"

She nodded and threw her leg across my body getting comfortable.


I heard commotion outside the door making me stand up. I walked to the door and swung it open to come face to face with four guards, the queen, and Jasmine.

"Please shut up, I'm trying to sleep." I said annoyed.

The queen looked at me,"Your family is waiting downstairs."

I felt Jasmine watching me, waiting for my reaction. The queen looked at Jasmine as if she know what was going on in our head. If she did, she didn't comment but she did walk away without saying anything. I started to walk behind her making Jasmine push me back into the room.

"You have to hide that mark."

I shook my head,"Don't worry, I will just say it's a bruise."

She nodded as we both walked downstairs.

"Bubba!" Josiah yelled running into my arms.

Mason turned around and hugged me too. I looked around as my mother came and joined in on the hug. She let go and looked at the queen.

I let the boys go and stood up straight,"Where's Malissa?"

"Right here."

I turned to the sound of her voice as she pulled me in for a hug.

I whispered in her ear,"Hate to say it, but I missed you."

My Lonely Queen (Book 2)(GxG)Where stories live. Discover now