I Found You

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Within two big leaps Yunho was in front of Yeosang. He immediately wrapped his arms around the younger, sobbing his name.

Something however, was not right.

Why wasn't Yeosang hugging him back?

Why wasn't Yeosang . . .moving?

Yunho pulled back.

"Yeosang?" he questioned squeezing the younger's shoulders and searching his eyes, they were wide open but it was almost as if they were staring right through him . .was Yeosang blind?

"Yeosang?" Yunho repeated but there was no response, was he deaf too?

Was that even possible? Yunho had considered the fact that Yeosang in the real world might have something wrong with him that hindered his ability to remember things, but was possibly being blind and deaf the reason? Yunho wasn't sure.

"Sir can you please step away from him" the man from before asked firmly behind him.

"He's my soulmate, I'm not going anywhere" Yunho said, holding his ground.

There was a sharp intake of breath and then silence "He's your what?!"

"Yeosang?" Yunho called again, his eyes never tearing away from the younger, the man behind him was the least of his worries "Sangie it's me". He gave his arm a squeeze before taking the younger's hands in his.

Yunho took a moment to look at Yeosang from where he was crouched in front of him. Yunho had never seen Yeosang look so lifeless, so soulless, so empty.

"Can he see me? Is he blind?" Yunho asked turning around to look at the man behind him, voicing all the questions that were swelling in his head. This man must be well acquainted with Yeosang and Yunho hoped he had the answers too.

Yunho braced his own body and heart, preparing himself for anything.

The man looked like a deer in headlights.

"Is he blind? Is he deaf too?" Yunho repeated and asked again, he could hear his own heart drumming through his ears, it's beats cutting the silence like an axe.

The man's eyes were slowly welling up like Yunho's already were and he placed his hand over his mouth, an attempt at hiding his expression, and took a step backwards.

Yunho shivered, his heart dropping. Something was really wrong.

"Are you really his soulmate? How?" the man questioned in a small voice from behind his hand.

Yunho glanced at a lifeless Yeosang before looking back up to the man.

"I am. He's been dream wandering in my dreams since he was 16. . well actually I know he was 16, he always told me he was 6 though" Yunho laughed lightly trying to conjure light onto the encroaching darkness of the situation. His laugh was pained though, it was forced.

With those words it almost seemed like the man in front of him had been stabbed as he fell to the ground, his head in his hands.

"I'm so sorry . . .I'm so so sorry" he began to repeat over and over again.

Why was he apologising, why did this man look so sad. Also what was his relation to Yeosang?

Yunho could feel his stomach twisting.

All of a sudden a new voice rang in Yunho's ears.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM" A women's voice shouted.

The man who had been balling and falling apart in the grass suddenly sprang up stopping the women from running towards Yunho.

The women stuck her finger out at Yunho with venom "Who is this man?" she spat.

The man hugged and held her close.

"This is Yeosang's soulmate"

The woman froze just like the man had done before, all her anger melting away. She looked in between the three men in front of her. "How?" she asked.

The man taped her forehead and something clicked within her expression.

"I'm sorry" she said to Yunho before burying her face in the arms of the man that was holding her.

"Why do you both keep apologising? What's wrong with Yeosang? Why isn't he moving" Yunho asked, his own body with shaking with nerves.

The man stroked the women's hair soothingly as he looked down at Yunho who was still crouched in front of Yeosang, their hands still linked.

"He can't"

Yunho's brows furrowed "He can't what?"

The man sighed, averting his eyes and looking at Yeosang instead of Yunho. "He can't move . .because he has complete body paralysis"

"Complete body paralysis?" Yunho questioned. Being a doctor, he knew exactly what that was, although he couldn't believe his ears and he couldn't help but question the words he was hearing.

The man kissed the woman on the forehead and the stepped away from her, and moved closer to Yunho "Maybe you should sit down" he said as he gestured at the spot beside Yeosang.

Yunho obeyed his words, sitting beside Yeosang. The man pulled up a chair and sat in front of him.

The man took a deep breath. Although the sun was out, and he could feel the warmth on his face, Yunho felt very cold.

"It all happened when Yeosang was 6"


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