✖️Chapter 4

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Chyna POV

I was laying down listening to Try Me by Dej Loaf.

"Wassuppp!" D.J and Lo busted in my room. I already knew they was here to be stupid.

"Get up so we can go to the park !" Lo yelled heading straight for my closet. She say if she die she wants her heaven to look like my closet, full of clothes and shoes.

She picked out a Red Nike crop top, some acid washed jeans, and my custom all red Nikes.

She chose a gold chain with my name plate on it.

"Ok. Hurry and get dressed. " She said walking to the mirror.

"Get out DJ" I pushed him.

"What? Why I can't watch? Lo get to watch!" He whined.

"No she don't she in the closet. Plus she a girl so we have the same parts. Get out fool"I giggled pushing him out.

"Well if you need me just .... whisper " he said by my ear and winked. I died laughing then locked tho door.

"Lo are you shopping in my closet again? "

"Duh! I'm taking the Custom Roshe Runs, the galaxy shorts, emoji sweater, nike hoodie, and yo Nike bucket hat " she ran out smiling.

I giggled.

"None of that match girl"

"So? I can make it work! " She grinned widely and took a Aeropostale bag to put the clothes in.

I shook my head. She a mess. But Her closet the truth too so I'm always taking her stuff too! No matter what I know DJ and Lo gonna be by my side.

DJ shot me a text and told us hurry up. He the most impatient person ever bruh I swear.

I hurried and brushed my teeth and Washed over my face then ran downstairs cause trust me when I say HE WILL LEAVE YOU.

Lo ran quickly behind me clutching the Aeropostale bag full of clothes she took from me.

"Yall was finna get left. " DJ said putting his Benz truck in reverse. DJ's parents were very legit. His daddy owned a car lot and his mama owned a shopping outlet. They was getting dough.

"So ....DJ ...you know You should give me this truck since ya daddy own a..." He cut me off before I could finish.

"Naww" he said with a smirk.

Sometimes I think he likes me but other times I think he's just one of those friends who flirts with you.

"Yall need to quit playing and get together" Lo said from the backseat.

"Shut up" me and DJ said in union.

When we got to the park Everybody in the car was shocked at what we seen.

It was about to get real...





I know it's short😫 Its just a filler though. I would update more but I'm trynna keep these grades good 😋.

Im so excited🙀😺😽😼.

Don't forget to follow me on instagram!😽 @asiagotfanz💙

I LOVE when yall comment and vote😎 so shout out to the ones who do that😏.

Okayy. Comment and Vote for the next chapter😬🌊😈

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