Chapter 17.

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Harry has been really depressed over the past week. Ever since he told me why he knew his Ex wasn't the one that was keeping him here, he's been really quiet, and hasn't been in the mood to talk at all.

This kind of behavior is starting to slightly worry me. Harry has never been the one to be ignoring me and just shut me off completely from the world. The only time he ever did that was when he left for a couple of days, leaving me to think that I was going crazy. It's late Sunday night as I sit on my desk, using my laptop trying to do some missing assignments I needed to do from a few days prior. Harry lies on my bed, his arms behind his head as he looks up at the white ceiling above him. His eyebrows forward in concentration, and his lips pursed.

I wonder what he could be thinking about.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He smirks, turning his head over to me.

I immediately flush scarlet. I didn't even notice that I was stuck in a trance while looking at his beautiful figure. Also his voice immediately caught me of guard considering he hadn't been talking over all for a week and a half.

"And so he speaks." I mutter, going back to writing in my notebook. The room goes silent once again, only the light scribbling my pencil is making only to be heard. I try not to notice the way Harry is looking at me in the corner of his eyes.

It's a chilly night in my room so far. It's almost ten and I'm not even tired. I have a feeling that tonight is going to be a sleepless night for me, hopefully I'm wrong.

I set my pencil gently down on my notebook, and rise up from my seating, and trail over to my closet mirror and sliding it open. I take out my favorite Navy blue sweater and shrug it on, tying the white laces together like I always do. I turn back around and take a seat on my chair again, grabbing my pencil and beginning to write once again.

"What's your biggest fear?" Harry suddenly asks, still staring up at the ceiling. I spin my chair around, and look at the boy, whose eyes are now on me.

"I don't know." I honestly reply.

He sits up on my bed and cups his hands together, green eyes meeting blue. "Why don't you know?" He questions, a confused look on his flawless face. "Everyone has a fear, no matter what it is, little or small, everyone has a fear."

"But my fear, had already came true." I frown, looking down at the floor. "Losing my dad was one of the biggest fears I ever had.. And it came true to my dismay." I look back at Harry.

He stays silent for a moment, his gaze always on me while doing so. "What happened to your dad Louis?" He asks, breaking the silence.

"He um.. He died in a car crash when I was just five years old." I whisper, starting to feel the pain in my heart. I stand up from the chair, and approach the picture frame of my father and I, grabbing it, and smiling softly at it. "This picture, means the world to me you know?"

He nods.

"This picture, was taken exactly the day before he died.. He had decided to have a father and son day.. He felt that I was feeling ignored ever since Lottie was born, so he decided to take me out fishing that day.. Just the two of us." I smile and look over at Harry. "That day was one of the best days of my life, and still counting." I feel a tear, start to fall down, but I quickly wipe it away. "Who would've thought, that.. That day was going to be the last day I was ever going to spend time with him?"

I put the picture back down on my nightstand, right in it's rightful place. Harry looks at me, a frown sketched on his face.

"I was with him on the day of the car crash.. We were driving back home when it happened." I sigh, sitting down next to Harry. "I was supposed to be the one to die that day you know? But dad saved me.. If it wasn't for me, he would still be alive, and I would've been the one dead."

"I'm glad you didn't die that day." Harry speaks up.

"Why?" I ask him. "Because without me you would have a less than a chance to pass?" I immediately shut my mouth closed once the words left my mouth. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to say that Harry."

Harry shakes his head, "No, it's okay Louis." He smiled softly. "And I'm glad you didn't die that day because.. I wouldn't have never met you."

I feel my face start to blush, and I look down. Harry chuckles from beside me.

"So, what's your biggest fear Harry?" I ask, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Death." He says. "Just like you, my biggest fear came true.. But I have another one as well."

"Which is?"

"Not being able to pass to the afterlife and stay here being stuck to watch everyone age and die."

"Harry." I whisper, looking up to meet his gaze. "Please don't fear that.. I will help you pass no matter what."

"But what if I'm stuck here forever Lou?" He asks, his voice trembling a little. "I don't want that.. I just want to move on."

"Harry, look at me." I say sternly. He looks at me, his eyes sad, but bright. Our faces just nearly inches apart, and I can feel the cold air radiating off him, making me get goosebumps. "You will one day pass over to the other side, if not today or maybe not tomorrow, but I promise you, I am going to make sure you will."

"How are you so certain Louis?" He asks. "I've been stuck here for five years now."

"Because, you have me." I smile softly and reassuringly to him.

And with that, Harry leans in, connecting our lips together.


Damn.. Really short chapter, but I couldn't find a better ending to it, so I think it's pretty good I guess.

They kissed again!!! *Fangirls*

And I will like to give a shout out to Diana

Because I love her comments, and they always make me smile, and motivates me to keep on writing. :')

Vote, comment, follow!


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