Chapter 2.

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"Mum?" I walk down the large empty house, holding a kitchen knife in my right hand. The lights from within the whole house is out. I feel scared out of my life as I walk slowly through the hall with the large windows being the only thing possible for me to make out.
I look out the window for a brief moment. It's night time, maybe a little after twelve am. It's pouring buckets,and the occasional sound of lighting roaring through the house, and it's lights source being the only thing for me to see from the Pitch black darkness from in front of me.
I don't know why I feel so scared, I don't even know what's happening, and better yet, why I'm holding a kitchen knife so hard In my right hand making my knuckles turning white. I continue walking through the dark hall. An eerie feeling building up beside me as I walk towards a door. My mums room.
I slowly turn the handle and step inside. It's pitch black in here, so I can't really see what's inside here. Shit if only I had a flash light.
But before I could think further, the light of the booming thunder lit up the room for a second, and what I saw before me lying on the bed made me let out a horrified bone chilling scream.
There laid my mother. The one who raised me since birth. The one who loved me and always cared for me no matter what. There she laid, dead.. And not just dead.. Not a peaceful death,But shot in her forehead.
That's when the room goes pitch black again after that second. My breathing had gone from shaky to beyond hyperventilating. Who could do such a terrible thing? I thought to myself, wiping the tears that had started to fall.
Once again the light of the lighting brightened up the room once again. I find myself in front of my mothers vanity mirror. I look at my familiar reflection, but suddenly I'm not myself anymore. My eyes are no longer blue, but now are a beautiful shade of emerald green. My hair is no longer in a fringe to my right, but now curly and pushed back, and my lips are now plump and a deep pink.
I stare at a beautiful young boy at around my age, but terrified.

"Harry." I whisper out, without even knowing.

I turn back around, and the woman lying dead on the bed is no longer my own mother, but a woman I never in my entire life I had never seen before. Possibly and most likely, the mother belonged to the boy in the mirror.

"Louis!" Someone shouts. I jolt up from my bed, trying to catch my shaky breath into my air deprived lungs. I look over to my left and see Lottie there with a concerned look plastered on her fourteen year old face. "Louis? You okay?"
I nod, even though I'm really not okay. After I finally seem to recollect myself from the horrible nightmare, I rub my eyes. "What's up?" I ask.

"Um, it's time for school Lou, and well, mum sent me up here to wake you up."
"Oh." I say. "Okay then, uh, I'll just get changed, tell mum I'll be driving myself to school."

She nods. "Okay, well I got to go bye louis." She smiles sweetly.

"Bye Lotts." I return the smile back to her, then she walks out of my room.

Sometimes she's a pain in the ass, but I got to love her, she is my little sister, and I am her older brother.
I climb out of my bed and let out a yawn as I walk to my closet. What should I wear today anyway?
I walk over to my huge window and open it up a bit letting my hand out and judging the weather. It's a bit chilly out side in the late November air. After I pick out my clothes, I gather them and walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower. Don't want to be late for my first day now, right?

After the quick shower, I put on my white V-neck, and my black skinny jeans. I walk back out to my room, and grab my Navy blue sweater and zip it up half way, tieing the white laces together that dangle down. It's sort of a habit of mine.

I grab my phone, run down the long hallway, down the stairs and out the door. I'm almost late at how it is, so I guess I'm going to have skip breakfast today. As I turn on the ignition of my car, I can't help but feel like I'm being watched. A strange feeling takes over me and I look up the window to my room and see the same dark figure looking down at me from my window, then it disappears from thin air, leaving me confused and nervous.

I walk through the crowded halls of the
school. Laughing and chatting fills my ears, as I walk trying to find my first period class, but somewhere deep in my mind I can't help but think of the figure I saw about three times now. What is it? And what does it want from me? I'm saying 'me' because Lottie or mum haven't said anything about a dark figure, then again, I haven't said anything as well.
I brush the thought out of my mind and continue searching through the crowded halls filled with teenagers. The bell finally rings, and I find myself alone in the school. Shit. I still can't believe I haven't found this dreadful class. Fuck it, I'm going to the office and ask for some help as I turn around I bump into a boy not as much taller than me. He's pretty buff, and pretty good looking. He has dark brown warm chocolate eyes. He smiles a heart warming smile. "I'm sorry mate." He apologizes.
"No I'm sorry, I should've looked where I was going." I say. He looks down and sees my schedule lying on the ground. He picks it up, skims through it, and smiles.
"You're new here?"
"Yup." I say causually, as he hands me my paper back.
"Thank you."
"No problem, so you need help finding the class?"
"Ugh yes, I've been searching and searching and I just can't find it." I huff.
"Well no problem, payno is here to help!" He says doing a superman pose. I chuckle at the taller boy, with his hair styled up in a quiff.
"Payno?" I smile amused.
"Oh yeah, that's one of my nicknames." He sheepishly smiles. "Anywho, I'm Liam Payne." He smiles sticking his hand out.
"Louis Tomlinson." I reply has I shake his hand.
"Louis, I like that name." He nods, motioning me to follow him. We walk down the empty halls and finally reach what I'm guessing is my class. "Here we are." He smiles warmly. "And I just so happen to have the same class as you, and thanks to you, I won't get in trouble for being late to class." He grins. "I think we will be great friends Louis." He grins again, patting me on the back.
"Good, I made a new friend." I smile. He knocks on the door and we both wait for the teacher to open up. As she opens the door, Liam is the first one to enter with me to follow behind him.
"And why are late today again, Mr. Payne?" She sighs.
"Sorry Ms. Andrews." Liam smiles apologetically. "I was helping Louis find his classes." Ms. Andrews, is a woman in probably her late fifties with grey hair, and wrinkles in the corner of her eyes.
"Louis?" She forwards her eyebrows in confusion.
I step out to her field of vision and sheepishly smile at her waving awkwardly. "Hello Ms. Andrews, I'm Louis Tomlinson, and I'm new here and got lost trying to find your class, but Liam saw and helped me." I say.
"Oh, okay then." She smiles. "Well if you don't already know Mr. Tomlinson, this is Science class and well everyone's already paired up with their partners, I guess your going to have to join in a group of two and make it three." She says eyeing the room of the students who are sitting in tables. "Who wants Mr. Tomlinson here to join their group?" Suddenly in less than a second all the girls hands shoot up and I flush.
"Ms. Andrews, Louis can join me and Niall if you'd like?" Liam says.
She smiles and nods and turns back to me.
"Louis, would you like to join the boys or the group of girls over there?" She chuckles. Even though the group of girls sound really tempting right now, I decide to go with Liam and the boy who's named Niall. I mean Liam is the only person I know for now. "Liam and Niall." I nod. Then I hear "awing" come from the back of the room. "Don't worry ladies, there's enough of me to go around." I joke.
I walk over to Liam, and the blonde boy who I'm guessing is Niall and sit with them. The teacher begins to talk and that's when I feel a tap on my shoulder.
"Quiet a ladies man now aren't we?" Liam whispers, I chuckle then shrug.
"Guess so." I smile. "Hi I'm Louis." I whisper to the blonde boy who sits beside me.
"Hey lad I'm Niall." He grins, and says In an Irish accent.
"Cool your Irish?"
"Yup." He nods proud. "Where you from Louis?"
"Cool I've been there a couple of times to visit my relatives." Liam says.
"Cool." I reply.
"Boys do you want me to separate the three of you?" Her voice suddenly says scaring us. Well all shake our heads. "Okay then, no more talking." She says facing the board again and begins talking.

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