Chapter 14.

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It's been almost two weeks since I've met Harry. We hang out all the time while I'm at the house, and sometimes I see him at school, which caught me off guard a few times before.

As of now, lunch has just started, and I carry my lunch box with me as I take a chair at a empty table, where Liam, Niall, and I usually sit. I take off my back pack and lay it on the table right next to me, as I open up my sandwich bag.

The lunch room is packed like always. Crazy hormonal teenagers filling the room, and talking loudly. I can't wait to get out of high school and get my own apartment as I go to to a good university here in England.

Soon a loud talking, complaining Niall, and a really frustrated looking Liam walk over to the table, setting down their lunch trays, and sit down in front of me on the round medium table.

"And she just took away my food!" Niall angrily says, crossing his arms.

Liam sighs, and scratches forehead. "Yes Niall I know."

"What happened?" I ask, taking a bite of my ham sandwich. Liam face palms, and curses under his breath as Niall starts to explain to me what happened.

"So Ms. Adrian, just took your food?" I ask, Niall nods. "That's not fair, I mean you bought it.."

"See! That's what I'm saying!"

"Can we just shut up about this already? I've been hearing him talk about that the whole half of the morning!" Liam groans.

Niall scoffs,"I'm sorry Liam, that you can't see how serious this is."

"Humph." Liam rolls his eyes, and looks at his food. "So anyway, how come you haven't been hanging out with us?" He asks frowning, looking at me accusingly.

"Yeah," Niall nods. "Last time we hung out was when we went to the tattoo parlor for god."

"God?" Liam raises an eyebrow.

"He's referring to Zayn." I chuckle lightly.

"Yes, I'm talking about Zayn fucking sex god Malik."


"I know right."


"So why haven't you been hanging out with us lately?" Liam asks again.

I ponder for a second, trying to decide if I should tell them about Harry or if I should just lie and come up with some believable excuse. I choose the latter.

"Sorry lads, mum is making Lottie and I bond everyday after school, she read that in some parenting website that it could," I raise my hands up making air quotes, "help us become best friends."

"That's rough." Niall tsks.

Liam nods, "I think that's pretty cool, my sisters and I are pretty close because our mum used to do that a lot when we were younger."

Wait that actually does work?

"Oh.. That's cool." I smile, taking a sip of juice. "So, Niall.." I smirk. Niall looks at me with a questioning look plastered on his face.

"Yeah Louis?"

"How are you and Zaynie going along?" I ask as his cheeks turn into a tinted red. "You two seem to be getting quite along."

"U-Uh why do you say that?" He stutters, looking at me, and still blushing madly.

"Well, let's just say I caught two boys having a hot steamy make out session today in the morning behind the bleachers.. Looking quite like you and Zayn." I wiggle my eyebrows, as Liam partially chokes on his apple juice.

"W-What?" Niall's jaw drops wide open. "Why w-were you doing at the bleachers?"

I shrug. "I sometimes go there for a morning footie practice, and just so happened that day I caught you two sucking each others face off."

"Holy shit." Liam says, still recovering from the apple juice incident. "I almost died.."

Suddenly I remember Harry asking me about how he could cross over.. I wonder if these guys know anything. So I casually just bring up the ghost conversation.

"Speaking of dieing, I was reading online about ghosts and why they are often stuck here on earth." I say.

Liam looks over to me. "I actually love reading those kind of topics, it really interests me."

"Really?" I grin.

"Yup, I got really into paranormal stuff from when I was younger and encountered my first ghost sighting in my old home."

"Really? What happened?"

"Well, uh.." Liam scratches behind his neck as Niall and I stare at him. "It happened a little after my Nan passed away when I was around twelve years old.. I saw her one time really late at night after her death." He licks his lips, "We were really close.. So when she died I was a complete mess.. And well I didn't get scared when I had seen her.. And she wasn't scary looking either.. She just smiled at me and vanished into thin air a few seconds after."

"I would've legit shit my pants." Niall says.

"So what happened next?" I ask.

"Well anyway, I began thinking why nan came to visit me, or why she was still doing here, and after a lot of research I came into conclusion, that's she couldn't leave me without knowing or reassuring me that I was going to be okay."

I begin thinking about Harry's problem. He's been stuck here for five whole years.. So he and Liam's nan aren't going through the same thing.. The only logical thing is someone is holding Harry here.

But who could it be?

Suddenly, memories of Harry saying that his ex girlfriend and him had broken up a day before his death.. Maybe she's the one holding him back here.


"Harry!" I whisper shout as I enter my room. Harry lies on my bed reading the fault in our stars by John green. He must've gotten it from Lottie's room. Harry quickly looks up at me, and marks the page of the book before setting it back beside him.

"What's wrong Louis?" He asks, sitting up from my bed and walking over to me.

"I think I know who might be holding you down here."

His green eyes widen, joy being one of the most identifiable emotions in them."Who?"

"Your Ex girlfriend."


"Yeah Emily," I say putting my hand on his shoulders, lightly shaking him. "If I'm correct, she's probably still feeling guilty."

"Guilty from what?" He asks clearly confused. "She didn't do anything."

"Sorry I meant, that maybe she still hasn't comprehended your death? Maybe you were her first love Harry."

"Oh." He says, licking his lips. "But I don't know where she lives.. How are we going to find her and then after what do we say? She can't see me Louis.. This is just a loss cause Louis.. Let's just face it.. I'm never going to cross over."

"No, don't say that." I say sternly, looking at him in his green eyes. "Please don't give up Harry. We will find her and I will help you."

"You promise?" He asks, hopefulness shinning in his eyes.

"Yes," I confirm, smiling. "I promise."


I feel like my chapters are really lacking in creativity don't you think?

Anyway, I hope you don't feel like it's going too rushed.

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