Chapter 26.

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"Why are you always on my case?!" I shout at my mum. I feel smoke coming out of my ears.

"Because I am your mother Louis!" She shouts back. This is the first time I ever heard her call me a name other than boo or boo bear or even Lou.. She must be really pissed off.

"Doesn't give you the advantage to control my life! I'm fucking nineteen remember? My birthday was last month! I shouldn't even be living with you anymore!" I shout angrily back, running up the stairs and down the hallway. Before I left her there, I could've sworn I saw the face of disappointment shinning on her aging face.

I slam the door shut as I hear her yell for me to come back down stairs. but I just ignore her, and go running to my bed and throwing myself on it, as angry tears rush down my face. I didn't even stop to see Harry standing there with a confused worried face as I had entered the room.

I hide my face closer in to my pillow. I just want to disappear, and never come back here to this miserable world ever again. I let out a whimper as I cry. I feel the bed dent a little and next thing I know is Harry hugging me, pulling me on to his lap.

"Love, what's wrong?" He asks softly, playing with my hair so I can calm down just a bit. It helps me, as I start calming my breathing down.

"M-Mum." I sniffle, looking into those green eyes of his. "Mum.. She just.. She just won't trust me!" I cry again, snuggling into his chest, as he kissed my head.

"What did she do?" He asks, pulling me closer to his body.

"She.. She treats me like a ticking time bomb! She just won't listen to me! No matter how many times I tell her I'm okay, she just won't listen! She.. She wants to send me to a therapist Harry!"

"But why would she do that Louis?"

"B-Because she thinks I need help.." I sniffle, wiping my tear stricken eyes. "She still thinks I have depression!"

A moment of silence goes through the room. Green eyes meet mind, as we stare at each other, before Harry decided to speak.

"Well.. Are you depressed?" He asks, kissing the tip of my nose slightly. I give him a small smile, as I feel my cheeks start to redden.

"I was." I say quietly, looking down at the floor. "I always told myself I wasn't, just so I wouldn't worry mum.. She believed me." I look back at him. "But I'm not anymore.. But now she thinks I am depressed.. That doesn't make sense Harry." I frown.

"Why does she think that?"

"Because I spend all my time here up in my room.."

"Oh." He frowns, "So this is basically my fault.. I'm sorry Louis."

"Don't ever be sorry." I scold him. The reason why I'm not anymore is because I have you Harold." I smile pecking his lips quickly before he could react.


I apologized to my mum a little bit over than an hour ago. She told me she was sorry as well and told me she did believe me, but she just wanted me to be okay, and that she was only worried about my health and safety.

Of course, I told her it was okay, and that I shouldn't have acted the way I did with her. I explained some of my reasoning behind my "moment" and she contemplated and understood why I acted the way I did.

It's a cold chilly evening as I walk down the street to my local grocery shop. I needed some fresh air, and I decided to walk on my own to the store. Harry asked if I wanted him to tag along with me, but I kindly told him no, and grabbed my coat and left the house.

I hum quietly to smells like teen spirit by Nirvana as I walk. My hands are in my pockets, and a content expression is on my face. I pass through a small alley, not really feeling like walking down the empty secluded street... It might sound stupid going through an alley but yet again, I'm not the sharpest knife in the kitchen drawer, so yeah.

Nothing happens to me, so I enter the small shop safely. But, I still feel that nagging feeling of someone watching me as I pay for my pack of gum, and crisps.

The cashier tells me my total, and she happily excepts the money I hand her. Afterwards, I gather my items and exit out of the store.

I pass by the dark alley again, this time quicker, because of the strange un-nerving sensation of being watched and followed. But this time I'm not so lucky.

"Well, hello there Louis." The deep raspy voice of a figure says in front of me, blocking my exit. The voice sounds familiar.. Too familiar. I can't tell who this man is, since his face is hidden in the shadows of the night.

"H-How do you know my name?" I ask, stuttering like the idiot I am. I clutch the stuff in my hands, my knuckles probably going white as I do so.

He chuckles evilly. "Oh Louis.. Poor little Louis." He says, stepping into the light, taking a few steps closer to me. I take steps backwards in return. "You know so little of us, yet we know a lot about you."

"U-Us?" I ask, looking at the familiar man I saw at the game not too long ago. I decide to try and make a break for it when the time will be right, but judging by his movements, seems like he's going to jump at any moment.

"My friends and I of course." He grins psychotically, and that's when I drop my two small items, and turn around to make a break for it , when suddenly someone grabs me from behind. The unknown person puts a white cloth in my face, and that's when I feel all my motors skills giving out.

Then, I'm out like a light.

Hope you enjoyed :) xx

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